Advertisements – Are they Appropriate?

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  • #2322861
    Gedol Hador

    On YWN homepage, there is an advertisement for ladies’ tights and socks, accompanied by a picture of an attractive young woman. Is this appropriate for a website like YWN, which is also used by men? And in the Aseres Yemei Teshuvah, no less?


    This ad has never been served to me.
    I don’t know what you’ve been searching and viewing, but it might be related.
    Try clearing cache and cookies?

    Happy new year

    Where can I find the picture please


    It’s not a problem until you address it. Who knows how many people looked for that ad now that you mentioned it.


    ads are often personalized based on your web browsing history – by the ad agency, not YWN.

    So, either your female family members are shopping for socks on the same computer or your own browsing history makes the ad software think that you might be interested in those pictures. In the latter case, something to think about during asara yomei teshuva.


    Some Jewish web sites, whose names I will not mention,
    to avoid Lashon HaRa, sell segulot or yeshuot or refuot,
    in exchange for donations or purchasing merchandise.

    Two quick examples:

    [1] Rabbi _______ sells “a rare blessing”
    “To be signed on Yom Kippur for a revealed miracle!”
    and “a year in which they will see a visible miracle!”

    If this “rare blessing” does not work,
    can the donor get his money back?

    [2] One organization sells “a silver knife with a personal inscription”
    as “a segulah for abundant parnassah”.

    If this segulah does not work,
    can the donor return the knife and get his money back?

    One final question: If these segulot are so powerful,
    then why do the people who sell them need donations?

    pure yiddishkeit

    definitely not.
    You are totally right i thought of this many times myself….
    YWN should really take it down…


    Absolutely treif.


    Gedol Hador:
    That particular ad seemed fairly small on my screen, not a full-page banner, so I can understand why they might not have realized it’s an issue. But I agree that such an ad has no place on a site targeted to men (and women).


    Gedol: If you were ready to pay a nominal monthly fee to access the site, perhaps the publishers wouldn’t need to run ads with pictures of varbeshe socks that you find so offensive and threatening to your yetzer harah.


    I have found them disappointingly innapropriate. I was very surprised to see them.


    The ad is back!!!!
    But relax on the attractive woman, it’s like a 10 year old girl

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