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Rav Elya Brudny:  As we enter the Yom Hadin remember:  Im Atah Misameach Es Sheli, Ani Misameach Es Shelcha

This evening we begin Rosh Hashana and the three week Yom Tov season.  For most of us, it is a time of joy and celebration.  But for too many families, it is a time of tremendous stress.

We have all experienced the impact of inflation on the cost of household items the past few years.  Now imagine what that has meant for families that couldn’t make ends meet even before inflation sent prices skyrocketing,

Bobbie’s Place is still the only store with no price tags and no cash register.  Its prices don’t change.  But what has changed is the increasing number of families turning to Bobbie’s Place for help, and the increased prices they have to pay for the clothing they provide.

After a recent visit to see Bobbie’s Place in operation, Rav Elya Brudny shlita encouraged those who can to partner with Bobbie’s Place and assist the families who turn to them for help, reminding them of the promise  Im Atah Misameach Es Sheli, Ani Misameach Es Shelcha.

As Rav Yisroel Resiman, shlita said after visiting, “Bobbie’s Place is one of a kind, kulo kodesh. Buy into the suits, the skirts, the dresses.  Help spread simchas Yom Tov to homes that don’t have it.”

Bobbie’s Place serves more than 12,000 children from thousands of families.  Its annual budget exceeds $1.5 million – with no salaries, no fanfare and no expensive overhead.  It is run by volunteers, performing the purest form of chesed.

After seeing Bobbie’s Place, Rav Yaakov Bender, shlita was direct in his call to action:  “We all want a k’siva v’chasima tova and a gut g’bensht yahr.  There is no better way than by grabbing the z’chus of helping this mossad kadosh.”

Watch the short video below to see the Roshei Yeshiva and others sharing their Bobbie’s Place experiences.  And please donate today at

May we all merit a k’siva v’chasima tova and a gut g’bensht yahr.

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