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Misaskim Works With EL AL Airlines To Update Aron Transport Policy From JFK

EL AL Airlines, in collaboration with Misaskim, has announced an important update to its policy regarding the transport of aronos on flights to Israel.

Approximately six months ago, EL AL restricted aron transport on flight 008, which departs JFK at 5:30 PM for Eretz Yisroel. This decision was made to accommodate Kohanim. However, the timing of this popular flight has always been crucial for transporting aronos, as it enables timely levayos and minimizes an additional day of shiva for bereaved families.

Misaskim arranged a meeting with EL AL executives. Misaskim President and Co-founder Meyer Weill, Misaskim CEO Matis Soffer, and Reb Meilich Walkenfeld of Shomrei Hadas attended the meeting. During the discussion, they explained the importance of maintaining aron transport on flight LY2 JFK-TLV.

Baruch Hashem, EL AL responded positively to these concerns. The airline has announced, “Effective October 1, 2024, EL AL will resume acceptance of coffins on flight LY2 JFK-TLV Sunday through Wednesday. This means coffins will again be accepted on all EL AL operated JFK-TLV flights.”

It’s important to note that EL AL flights from Newark do not carry aronos and continue to be a viable option for Kohanim. Additionally, according to a psak of Rav Yechezkel Roth, Kohanim may travel on flights carrying aronos that are wrapped according to his specifications — which is that the aron gets put into an enclosed box and is then shrink-wrapped. Misaskim diligently monitors these protocols and confirms that EL AL adheres to all required specifications.

EL AL will accommodate immediate family members who must accompany the aron to attend the levaya. Misaskim offers assistance in securing seats on the appropriate flights. Those in need of this service can contact Misaskim at 718-854-4548.

(YWN World Headquarters – NYC)

2 Responses

  1. The people at the helm of this new ELAL are truly amazing! They’ve transformed the airline a full 180°. It’s been a pleasure to travel with them. (Their fares are a separate issue and can be explained but this is not the time and place.) They are truly a new airline.

  2. While they may be accommodating the community with their religious observance and respect, there is no excuse for the exorbitant pricing, no excuse. It’s them simply taking advantage of the fact that they basically have a monopoly on the Israel market right now, since most airlines won’t fly into Israel.
    It’s wrong and disgusting and Israel should intervene because it’s hurting the Israeli economy because families can’t afford to pay 3-5x the price for flying their entire familes to Israel for the holidays, simchas, or vacation.

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