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The IDF’s long-awaited incursion into Lebanon to root out Hezbollah from the border with Israel is underway, coming on the heels of thunder-and-lightning operations by Israel that has killed and injured thousands of terrorists, and decimated its military command.

The IDF announced Monday night it has initiated limited, localized, and targeted ground raids against Hezbollah terror targets in southern Lebanon. The raids, which began several hours ago, focus on specific locations near the border that pose an immediate threat to Israeli communities in northern Israel.

The IDF’s operations are based on precise intelligence and target Hezbollah’s terrorist infrastructure in villages close to the border. These raids are part of a broader strategy laid out by the General Staff and Northern Command, for which IDF troops have been training and preparing in recent months.

In addition to ground forces, the Israeli Air Force and IDF Artillery are providing support with precise strikes on military targets in the region. The raids are being conducted as part of “Operation Northern Arrows,” a coordinated effort to neutralize threats from Hezbollah while combat continues in Gaza and other arenas.

The decision to initiate these operations was made by the political echelon, and the IDF has emphasized that they will continue to assess the situation as the operation unfolds.

The military remains committed to achieving its war objectives, ensuring the defense of Israeli citizens, and facilitating the safe return of northern Israel’s residents to their homes.

YWN reminds our readers to remain mindful of the “fog of war,” as an overwhelming amount of conflicting and false information is bound to surface during in the coming hours and days.

In the chaos of war, particularly in the early hours and days, details often shift rapidly, and initial reports can be inaccurate or misleading. It is crucial to stay cautious and verify information before sharing or drawing conclusions.

To ensure our audience receives the most reliable updates, YWN has a dedicated team of reporters, writers, and editors working around the clock, as we have for the past 21 years.

As the situation continues to evolve, YWN will keep you informed both here on our website and through our WhatsApp channels.

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6 Responses

  1. “To ensure our audience receives the most reliable updates, YWN has a dedicated team of reporters, writers, and editors working around the clock, as we have for the past 21 years.“

    As opposed to the Coffee Room section which only has a moderated פעם אחת בחודש 😂

  2. May הקב”ה save all our boys and girls and all army personnel, all citizens from even the slightest peril. Lets daven that everyone remembers that without Hashem we are nothing. Nothing will save us, not our prowess or intelligence, only Hashem Yisborach.

  3. @YWN Quite a cute idea to blame all your fearmonger headlines on a “fog of war” excuse. Since I know you, you have been posting sensational headlines for clicks!! I do commend you for your bold disclaimer and agreement to a tremendous amount of click bait reporting

  4. Less talk more action

    Stop advertising to the Americans or anyone else what you plan on doing… Just do what is needed and call it a day

  5. If they win the war…
    They will draft yeshivos to the army
    They will use Jewish religion self pride
    They will take full advantage the poor
    They will dance again peacefully bad
    They will cause anti semitism in USA
    They will say God but not do God
    They will continue the arrogance
    They will go from kotel to hotel
    They will walk women har habayis
    They will eat drink with the arabs
    If they lose…
    No more rabbi walk on har habayis
    No more such anti semitism
    No more yeshiva draft to army
    No more bikini on the tel aviv beach
    No more tight skirt for shabbat
    No more talking hebrew for monetary
    No more trodding on the poor
    No more faith in anything but God
    No more dancing till the moshiach

  6. The IDF’s long-awaited incursion into Lebanon to root out Hezbollah [with Hashem’s help] from the border with Israel is underway, coming on the heels of thunder-and-lightning operations by Israel that has killed and injured thousands of terrorists, and decimated its military command.

    The IDF announced Monday night [with Siyata D’shmaya,] it has initiated limited, localized, and targeted ground raids against Hezbollah terror targets in southern Lebanon. The raids, which began several hours ago, focus on specific locations near the border that pose an immediate threat to Israeli communities in northern Israel.

    The IDF’s operations are based on [G-d provided] precise intelligence and target Hezbollah’s terrorist infrastructure in villages close to the border. These raids are part of a broader strategy laid out by [The Rebono Shel Olam Master of the Universe, who chose] the General Staff and Northern Command [as His messengers], for which IDF troops [With Hashem’s help] have been [doing their hishtadlus by] training and preparing in recent months.

    In addition to ground forces, [and with the help from Hashem] the Israeli Air Force and IDF Artillery are providing support with precise strikes on military targets in the region [with Hashem’s help and guidance]. The raids are being conducted as part of “Operation Northern Arrows,” a coordinated effort to neutralize threats from Hezbollah while [Divine inspired] combat continues in Gaza and other arenas.

    The decision to initiate these operations was made by [Hashem and] the [Heavenly inspired] political echelon, and the IDF has emphasized that they will continue [with Hashem’s help] to assess the situation as the operation unfolds.

    The military remains committed to achieving its war objectives [by turning putting their faith 100% in the Rebono Shel lam], ensuring the defense of Israeli citizens, and facilitating the safe return of northern Israel’s residents to their homes.

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