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TEARS FOR TERRORISTS: “I Wish I Could Sacrifice My Children To Have Nasrallah Back”

Journalists at Iran’s Press TV broke down in tears as they reported the death of Hizbullah leader Hassan Nasrallah. Marzieh Hashemi, a prominent Iranian-American anchor for the state-run television network, was one of them.

During a live broadcast, Press TV’s Beirut correspondent, Mariam Saleh, broke down in tears when told Nasrallah was dead. She said she didn’t know how she would cope with his death.

“I wish I could sacrifice my children and have Nasrallah back,” she said tearfully. She went on to vow that despite the loss, the fight would continue until victory was achieved.

(YWN World Headquarters – NYC)

20 Responses

  1. I’ve been reading articles on this website for the past year about Israeli mothers whose children died in Gaza and they said that they were proud to sacrifice their children for the sake of the existence of Medinas Yisroel and protecting the Israelis there. And they were glorified for being so strong and brave during such a tragic and sad time. It’s the same garbage from both sides. Once a piece of land becomes too important both sides go meshugeh.

  2. Sick animals! She’s free to sacrifice her children and all her buddy mothers children. They’re free to join Nasrallah. He must be lonely.

  3. To the above commentator ‘Go back to your learning you batlan’

    No Jewish mother said they would sacrifice their children to get land back.

    They said their children sacrificed (past tense) their lives fighting for the Jewish land and its Jewish citizens
    No one wanted their children to die and no one would have sent their children if they knew they would die 100%. No one would trade their child for anyone else or anything else.

    If you can’t see the many distinctions, you are taka a batlan and you should go back to yeshiva ASAP and learn how to analyze things

  4. Serious attacks on a country tend to make them “mad”. Note how Oct. 7 just made the Israelis angry (which was a goal, Hamas is terrified that the Palestinians might make peace with Israel, which would put them out of business). Whereas most Palestinians (and their allies, including those in America) have a goal of genocide (making everything from the river to the sea Judenrein), most Israelis prefer to live in peace which is why the Israelis tend to try to minimize damage and limit offensive activities to those necessary for their own security.

  5. gobacktolearningyoubatlan, your a real batlan to compare barbaric monster “mothers” who want their children to die fighting Jews to mothers whose consolation over their children’s death is that their children died defending their people.

  6. This is not surprising at all. What we view as a terrorist, others view as a revered figure. The people who we label as terrorists, they see themselves as religiously devoted people on a holy mission, that does not have room for compromise or backing down. Hasan Nasrallah, other than being the political leader of a resistance movement called Hezbollah, he was also a highly respected religious and spiritual leader and a mentor for millions of his Shia Muslim followers. His followers view him as a Godly figure, just about the way Chabad viewed the Lubavitche rebbe, or other groups view their own prominent figures. It all boils down to brainwashing! When people are brainwashed and captivated by a charismatic figure, they lose the ability to think straight. Unfortunately, brainwashing is a real thing. Highly influential religious figures have always existed and are very successful in influencing people. It runs deep in every culture and every religion.

  7. no it does not run deep in every religion don’t bring rayas from chabad

    you have to be evil first to be brainwashed that a certain religion needs to be wiped off the face of the earth. and amalek is not a rayah our religion is not based on mechiyas amalek nor do we desire and yearn for mechiyas amelek, their whole existence and religion is based on wiping out another religion
    they are evil and that’s how they can be brainwashed

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