Reply To: Question for those who don’t think Charedim should join the IDF

Home Forums Decaffeinated Coffee Question for those who don’t think Charedim should join the IDF Reply To: Question for those who don’t think Charedim should join the IDF



You wrote: “…over 7 million Jews live in Eretz Yisrael. Perhaps, they should not have come “like a wall or en masse” in violation of one the three oaths? Yes, because it would have made, more sense to die in Hitler’s (yemach shmo) Europe, Stalin’s Soviet Union or all the Arab countries in the Middle East. Oops, our bad. But staying alive supersedes any Aggagdata in Mesechet Ketubot.”

You obviously aren’t being serious (or, if you are, you’re just mindlessly parroting Zionist nonsense and lies). The Holocaust happened because of the Zionists. As well, the Zionists did their part to ensure that Jews burned in Hitler’s ovens because Zionism was and is above all else in the Zionist idolatrous faith. Jews were also doing just fine in the Arab countries until the Zionists invaded the holy land and set the whole region on fire.

As to the “aggadata”, it is brought down liHalacha on the spot by numerous poskim, and the Rambam himself invokes them as halachically binding in his Iggeres Teiman. The Maharal happens to hold that they are yehareig viAl yaavor, as it happens, too.