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Olmert: Start Thinking of the Next Expulsion

olmert d.jpgDespite a criminal indictment hanging over him, Prime Minister Ehud Olmert continues efforts to exhibit an air of ‘business as usual,’ working to persuade his cabinet to prepare for the next expulsion of Jews from their homes, residents of Yehuda and Shomron who will find themselves on the eastern side of the security barrier.

Olmert rejects the opinion of those claiming he no longer has a mandate from the people, as he conducts intensive negotiations with the PA (Palestinian Authority) in the hope of reaching an agreement before being ousted from office.

Despite condemnatory comments, including staunch opposition to his policies from a number of cabinet ministers, Olmert remains tenacious in his determination to move ahead on the PA and Syrian fronts, hoping to present the international community with an agreement prior to being compelled to leave office.

He did not manage to present his Second Expulsion/Compensation plan to the cabinet on Sunday due to time constraints.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

6 Responses

  1. Why can’t people learn from other’s mistakes? What happened to the previous person who came up with an expulsion plan? I believe he is clinically a vegatable.

  2. To Mayan_Dvash,

    Your’e right.

    It’s very simple, that previous animal disabled so many jewish lives-so if you ask me, him becoming disabled seems like a just punishment…

    But hey, who am I to judge…

  3. Blame the Israeli people, they elected him, and pretty overwhelmingly (the left-wing parties have 70 seats, the combination of right and relgious only have 50).

    P.S. and before anyone makes an anti-democracy comment, remember that if Israel were a dictatorship, it would be even more anti-Jewish than it is, since the hilonim control the military and in a dictatorship, the military decides

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