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SIRENS IN JERUSALEM: Hezbollah Missile Falls In Binyamin, No Injuries

A long-range missile fired by Hezbollah toward Maale Adumim and Binyamin fell in Binyamin on Motzei Shabbos.

Shrapnel fell in an open area next to Mitzpe Chagit, near Kfar Adumim.

An IDF spokesperson confirmed that a Hezbollah missile fell in Binyamin and caused a fire in Mitzpe Chagit and an electricity outage in Gush Adumim.

“A fall was identified in the Binyamin area,” the IDF spokesperson said. “Fire teams are working to quell the fire that broke out in the area.”

B’Chasdei Hashem, the missile fell in an open area and there were no injuries. According to security estimates, Hezbollah has about 5,000 long-range missiles.

The Binyanim Regional Council announced that the rocket fall caused electricity outages in several yishuvim.

On Shabbos afternoon, shrapnel from a Houthi missile fired by Yemen fell near Beitar Illit.

(YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)

One Response

  1. Sorry @YWN but there were no sirens in Jerusalem, they were near Jerusalem. Look on the Tzohar app. You guys are the greatest fear mongers, catchy headlines with cut and pastes from other websites and you get excited when Fox News uses your picture! You also got pumped when the would be assassin contacted you about Ukraine. You guys seriously need attention. Stop spreading panic. Imagine the feeling of the parents of hundreds of Yeshiva guys and Sem girls seeing such a headline! “Is my daughter safe?” “Did I make a mistake sending this year, 30k” “should she come home?” You guys can feel good that it’s due to your fear mongering that people have left Israel many times. Count how many times you guys wrote “escalation” when in reality it was one war on the borders affecting mostly border towns and Thank G-D Jerusalem has been pretty quiet. No one knows what will be, but you guys lost your legitimacy and should apologize and start over. You need to focus on news and not catchy headlines.
    Thank you

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