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CRIMINAL ACTION? Yeshiva Bochurim Receive Calls: “Report To Draft Center Or Face Arrest”

Yeshivah bochurim who received draft notices from the IDF but failed to appear at enlistment centers received warning calls on Wednesday.

In the calls, they were told they could face an arrest warrant if they fail to report to the enlistment center within 48 hours.

Ynet reported that recently the IDF has attempted to reach out to young Chareidim and convince them to enlist but this is the first time the army is using the threats of sanctions and criminal proceedings against those who fail to respond to draft orders.

One of the Chareidim told Ynet: “They called me from the IDF’s Chareidi division, saying there were two orders I didn’t show up for. I told them that just as they have a commander telling them what to do, my commander is the Rav and he told me not to enlist. They said I need to report within 48 hours or an arrest warrant would be issued against me.”

In recent months, the IDF has issued over a thousand initial draft summons to young Chareidim but only about 70 reported to enlistment centers.

A senior figure in the Chareidi parties said: “Everything depends on the will of Defense Minister Yoav Gallant, who can stop this farce at any moment. The Likud party and its leader cannot evade responsibility, claiming it doesn’t concern them. Ultimately, they will bear the consequences of this move and its implications.”

Of course, the government is powerless in the face of the real rulers of the state: Attorney-General Gali Bahariv-Miara and the Supreme Court.

An IDF spokesperson responded to an inquiry, stating: “Individuals summoned for military service who did not show up are committing an offense of unauthorized absence from service, will be declared as draft dodgers, and are subject to enforcement proceedings per the law.”

It should be noted that as part of the enforcement process, the draft dodger could be arrested and prevented from leaving the country.

(YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)

21 Responses

  1. Finally, there seems to be some effort to implement the law. With a ground war increasingly likely in the North, the IDF will need more bodies to perform unskilled tasks that will free up soldiers to engage in combat operations.

  2. The medina is now in the גסיסה stage so they are going wild and trying everything they can, just as it says in chazal that the satan will go mad at the end of days and create reaaly hard nisyonot etc.

  3. Yeah, it will be so wonderful when the horrible Medina collapses and the Arabs come from North and South. And all the heiligah Yidden will be saved, b’zechus Hatorah. What a glorious day that will be. I can’t wait.

  4. Definitely stupid for them to be doing this now when they are in such need of סייעתא דשמיא. All the בני תורה should come to America and learn here.

  5. The wicked flee when no one pursues, but the righteous are bold as a lion.

    Knowing this, should we allow the wicked to destroy the Land as we sit on the bench, and watch?

  6. I think what happened here is that a Tzioni snitched on us and he told the Israeli army that a lot of Bachurim are just playing around meaning they show up to Seder late and of course a few coffees and maybe a few danishes and then Mincha, 2 1/2 hr Bain Hasedorim and the bulletin board and Shiduchim and etc.
    This is pure
    מוציא שם רע
    99% of the students are serious learners.
    Also the story of Kamtza Bar Kamtza that snitcher lied and then came the

  7. “Who were the ones that got saved THE שומרי שבת!”

    There were plenty of shomer shabbos who were killed r”l.

    ” if need be the yeshivos will move to the United States.”

    If you believe that there will be funding to move 100,000 or more families to the USA, and that the USA will be willing to give green cards for this trip, then you are seriously naive. Also, if they truly believe that limud Torah protects eretz Yisrael, then how selfish is that, that they would leave E”Y, rendering it unprotected.

  8. “99% of the yeshiva students are serious learners….”

    And Agudah will be sponsoring next year’s Pride parade in Yerushalayim.
    Any other breaking news???

  9. Unfortunately it’s this giant war of Jews against Jews that’s really going to be the cause of our destruction. You have so many people who call themselves religious that have zero value for the learning of a holy Torah and call the ones who study it time wasters and parasites. Nothing about the existence of that land and our thriving there makes any logical sense, only by people following the holy laws of God and studying how to be a real Jew is what’s keeping our existence there. We need to pray and learn more than ever and not fight, the left is fighting us enough we don’t need fights from religious people who lost sight of what’s right

  10. This amounts to the greatest Hillul HaShem in our history. Remember who the Torah exempts from war! Does anyone have an alternative text?

  11. Well, you could consider not taking any money from the EVIL LIB TZIONIM before you decide to curse them for not doing exactly what you want, right? Do you really think it’s a morally sustainable position to require them to pay you and you also don’t participate in defense of the nation?

    Oh, that’s right – you do defend the nation. Somehow, your learning protects the whole country from the arabs, but doesn’t seem to protect you from the EVIL LIB TZIONIM. You’ll have to explain that one to us.

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