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Investigation Launched After Officers Caught Brutally Beating Chareidi Protesters in Beit Shemesh

Israel Police Commissioner Daniel Levy has ordered an immediate investigation after video footage surfaced showing police officers using batons to brutally beat Chareidi protesters in Beit Shemesh. The demonstrators were protesting against an event being held at a local community center.

In a statement, Levy said, “If it turns out during the inspection that the police officers acted illegally, they will be dealt with severely.” The incident, which took place earlier this evening, has sparked outrage after the footage showed officers forcefully dispersing the protesters.

The investigation will determine whether the officers involved acted within the bounds of the law or used excessive force during the protest. The case has drawn attention to the methods used by law enforcement in dealing with protests, particularly within the Chareidi community.

Further details are expected to emerge as the investigation unfolds.

(YWN World Headquarters – NYC)

4 Responses

  1. For these police man its not called protesting it like an old Indian ceremony these people beating them was the doctor that came to house of patient to eat his apple from him it was from the complete tumah of people in the land of hashem am thinking of visiting Israel again but will never forget the impurities of the language put on Hebrew to go bies hamikdash and destroy your own soul like it says “you took my oil and” to use it for bad using service to God bringing sacrifice for complete evil and maybe they are “protecting” themselves but definitely not protecting us or the”Jewish people” who wants to come and speak to moshiach on the blood of these persons the medina will soon end

  2. why are they even trying to ship the yeshiva bochurim who, like the people at the hafgana, don’t know how to hurt someone – let alone fight back …. these vicious israeli police officers are perfect for Gaza or Lebanon

    furthermore if this is how they treat us, why do they think we would fight in their army?

  3. My guess is that the crowd may be protesting in front of a building where someone alerted the authorities, leading to the suspicion of a crazy mob and not a protesting crowd. This assumption may have worried the authorities, leading to the officers dealing with the situation according to what they legally should do in the situation of a crazed mob. Even though it may not have been a dangerous situation at all.

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