Rav Ravitz Files a Complaint With Israel’s Journalists’ Council

car.jpgMK (Degel HaTorah) Rabbi Avraham Ravitz has filed a complaint with Israel’s journalists’ council following the release of a defamatory caricature in the in a local Yerushalayim newspaper. In his letter, he explains that together with his family they visited Yad Vashem and the Holocaust Museum in Washington, questioning how a local newspaper in Israel can publish a similar caricature against chareidim.

The caricature appeared in the ‘Yerushalmi’ Shabbos edition which hit the stands on Friday, with a front page defamatory depiction of chareidim. He questions the “anti-Semitic” caricature, adding the secularists are welcome to visit chareidi educational institutions and compare conditions to those of secular schools, stating they will see who enjoys the bulk of funding and government grace.

He makes mention of the fact that Yerushalayim is under attack by vandals who repeatedly attack the eruv poles. He addresses the painful fact that the newspaper seeks to incite against the entire chareidi population, using tools that send a powerful and painful reminder of the “dark days in the history of the Jewish People.”

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

7 Responses

  1. It’s just a political cartoon! We publish anti zionist cartoons and of course anti zionist/chiloni articles and use a good deal of print accusing the non chareidi world of committing various abominations. They can hardly be blamed for indulging in press retaliation in turn. That’s how politic works. Truth comes in, at best, in second place. Think of the Obama/McCain propaganda exercises or even those of different factions among our own chareidi world. This cartoon is not Nazi antisemitism merely politics. I wish ‘politics’ was also classed as a toevah.

  2. If you throw rocks at people who are mechalel shabbos or throw acid at people who aren’t dressed to your standards, or register ghost students in schools in order to attract funding or contrive to pasul the Geirus of all and sundry or consider the State of Israel as “Maaseh Satan” and yet draw on welfare, how can one expect that over time an extreme distaste will notmanifest itself through such caricatures?

    Does a child who has been bashed by a parent and subsequently lashes out against that parent become immoral?

    It’s Elul. Let’s look in the mirror and see what we are responsible for. There is a good reason why we can’t fulfil the mitzvah of hocheach tochiach. Let’s stop being so judgemental. It achieves the opposite in our day and age.

  3. The chilonim are only busy with how much the Datim are taking from the gov’t, yet decline to mention what percent of the gov’t income is generated by the Datim. It is the Datim that brought in heavy foreign investments, and set up job incubators. It is the Datim that trained the Avreichim to get good jobs in the hi-tech industry. It’s the Datim that had American companies set up Israeli branches.

    It’s time the chilonim stop complaining and do something for their country. It’s the Datim that are responsible for the population growth of Jerusalem. If not for them, the Arabs would have become the majority!

  4. #2 #3 #4 SHAME ON YOU!

    It’s quite clear to any one reading your post how much Yiras Shomayim you have.

    And #4 you are a typical BUM who dresses his anti Yiddish / anti Torah with frumkiet and Elul, we erlicha Jews are at fault, we through rocks bla bla bla, give me a break!

    Go learn Shmiras Haloshon! And Sharei Tshuva!

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