Reply To: Voting for Trump Re Israel

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Sam Klein

With today being the second time in the span of just a little more then a month since former president Donald Trump first assassination. Does anyone even know or remember what the shocking message DIRECTLY FROM HASHEM was of the first attempted assassination?

On July 13th 2024, former president Donald J. Trump was speaking at a presidential campaign for the upcoming election of his second presidential campaign and then while he was still speaking he was shot in the ear from the roof of another building across the campaign and everyone is asking what is the message DIRECTLY FROM HASHEM and why would Hashem have him shot in the ear versus anywhere else in his entire body that could’ve killed him? And Then a week later a major tragedy hit klal yisroel, 2 innocent people driving in the Catskill mountain went over the road and we’re immediately niftar Rachmana litzlan leaving wives and large families of orphans without a father and everyone is asking what is the message from Hashem? The shocking message is that First our loving father and King of Kings Hashem ruler of the entire world, sends wake up calls through other nations to bring us to Teshuva but if that Chas VShalom doesn’t work and we don’t LISTEN WITH OUR EARS and openly accept Hashem’s wake up call for serious Teshuva and Achdus then we leave Hashem no choice but to Chas VShalom hit his loving nation klal yisroel directly with non stop horrific tragedies as we have all seen just in the last few months alone. ARE WE GOING TO CONTINUE LIVING IN DENIAL? and then ask ourselves why there’s so much tzaros in Klal yisroel? When it could’ve all been avoided if we only accepted Hashem’s wake up call for serious Teshuva and Achdus together as one loving nation?.
Do YOU know any father in the entire world that likes to hit and punish his child? Sometimes the father has no choice, the kid won’t do his homework or listen and go to sleep when told. What do we call that? A potch of LOVE, the parent has no choice and it’s completely for the kids benefit of chinuch and when he grows up if he remembers the story he might even come back to his parents and thank them when he now as an adult knows it was completely out of love and for his good.
It pains Hashem to see his loving children Klal yisroel suffering but there’s no one else to blame except ourselves when we all openly see the horrific tragedies hitting klal yisroel and Instead choose to continue living in denial and doing nothing about it versus waking up and showing Hashem that we accept Hashem’s wake up call for serious Teshuva, Kinnus and Taanis like we did in the story of Purim and our lives were saved because of it.

May we all accept Hashems wake up call for serious Teshuva and Achdus together as one loving nation so Hashem can send Mashiach already bkarov