gemara brachos

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    to start, i didn’t learn this gemarah in a while.
    חסידים הראשונים היו שוהין שעה אחת ומתפללין שעה אחת וחוזרין ושוהין שעה אחת
    why dont we follow their example? halachadik? when does davening for 9 hrs, come before learning torah?
    וכי מאחר ששוהין תשע שעות ביום בתפלה תורתן היאך משתמרת ומלאכתן היאך נעשית אלא מתוך שחסידים הם תורתם משתמרת ומלאכתן מתברכת
    how is it different in yerushalmi, and why?


    A good question. Interesting, it seems that gemora and meforshim are not even suggesting that we follow that practice.

    Could it also be that this was before having siddurim and maybe even before having a fixed prayer? So, then preparing would be more extensive to make sure your prayer goes well.

    To expand on your question, Bava Kamma 30 says that hasidim used to be extra careful not to do something that hurts other people. Nobody drives like that anymore. When did this change?

    Sam Klein

    You asked “when does davening for 9 hrs, come before learning torah?”

    Ever heard of Yom Kippur? The holiest day of the year. Davening in most shuls on Yom Kippur is longer than 9 hours and people on higher levels spend their entire Yom Kippur in the Bais medrash begging Hashem for teshuva. They sit and say tehillim between musaf and Mincha and never leave the Bais medrash begging Hashem forgiveness.

    lebidik yankel

    The Chassidim RIshonim did it because they appreciated the meaning in it. We would do it to copy them. Hashem does not need copycats…


    nice svaros
    im referring to it being brought somewhere in halacha. its for qwerty who learned the sugya beiyun

    Reb Eliezer

    We don’t repeat teflas currently because of kavano as the second time one would also not be mechaven. So we don’t follow this gemara.


    is it clear that they were doing it 3 times a day? I had in my head that this was for shaharis only, but now when I looked at it, this might indeed be for other tefilos also. Still, if they did mincha/maariv, I don’t think they meditated between them rather than listening to a Kitzur class!

    For shaharis, this is not that remarkable – we are talking an hour before/after shmone esre (tefilah), not before pisukei zimra/shir shel yom or, for chabad, tehilim for rebbe’s age.

    Also, given that they probably also worked, their daily calendar is not clear. Maybe they did not sleep much; started a shaah before sunrise, or it is really taking just an hour from the work day.

    And – nobody said that shaah is an actual hour and not just a “significant amount of time”


    this gemarah is mentioned in shulchan aruch and when davening for so long takes precedence over learning torah. anyone who learned this gemarah in depth i would think should know this. ill give the answer eventually, im just trying to see/prove qwerty level learning

    Reb Eliezer

    What happens to all the tefilos they miss because of the long shemonei esrei?

    Reb Eliezer

    Anyway it says before and after but not during.


    I think Gemora gives an algorithm how to deal with this davening v learning situation. It concludes that chasidim rishonim were able to keep up with their learning because they got a brocha of retaining their learning. So, anyone can try davening 9 hours a day, and then learn for an hour before going to work get the brocha and continue. If you don’t get this brocha, then you obviously not on the right path for whatever reason and you have to stop.


    i gave all the “lomdom” time to answer. now look in shulchan aruch harav hilchos talmud torah perrek 4, he spells it out very simple.
    now dont claim you learn gemara (qwerty) this is the gemara you just learned!

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