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Eichler & Maklev Blame Israel Police Ahead of Lag B’Omer

rashbiMK (Yahadut Hatorah) Rav Yisrael Eichler is angry with Israel Police ahead of Lag B’Omer. He explains that preventing traffic backups by not permitting mispallalim to travel to Meron for Lag B’Omer is not the way to go about meeting the challenge. He was speaking about the announcement from Israel Police that it will not permit private buses to transport mispallalim. Eichler says this means some 1,000 buses that would be transporting mispallalim will not be permitted to do so and this will leave thousands stranded.

During a Knesset discussion on preparations for Lag B’Omer, Eichler told Public Security Minister Yitzchak Aharonovich “You said last year that five dunams of parking lot areas must be allocated to keep the flow of traffic to Meron going. Since then the cabinet has done nothing to advance the matter. Actually, instead private parking areas have been banned to make way for buses. I am asking to instruct police to make parking areas available in Carmiel, Tzfas and Tiveria. Shuttles must operate to bring motorists to and from park and ride areas. If this is not done motorists will be stranded, stressing the parking being allocated is insufficient and the situation will be disastrous.

Eichler also addressed what he calls discrimination between Egged buses and the others, with the private buses being banned. Aharonovich promised to scrutinize the Israel Police plan.

MK Rav Uri Maklev added he fears the day will spell disaster for many and thousands will simply be unable to participate due to this year’s arrangements.

The MKs spoke of the absurd, banning private vehicles and then also banning all non-Egged buses. They explained that this year more than ever additional buses will be required and the ban is going to leave people waiting for buses all around the country.

Aharonovich promised to meet with senior commander responsible for the Lag B’Omer operation to evaluate what if anything can be done to improve the situation.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

9 Responses

  1. I think the Israeli police should make sure that not one officer leaves to report for traffic duty until Shabbat is over. If this happens, Eichler will really learn what trouble is.

    Not one mention about chillul Shabbat. Absurd!

  2. Any way u slice the salami — israel does not have the manpower, buses, transportation to bring 100,000 people to a small parcel of land called Miron.

  3. #1- read the words “private buses” will not be allowed…get it?

    #4- depends on the size of the salami- not 100,000. at least 400,000.

  4. Any way u slice the salami — israel does not have the manpower, buses, transportation to bring 100,000 people to a small parcel of land called Miron.

    Nor is there any real reason for 100,000 people to travel to a small parcel of land called Miron.

  5. whereas I have the highest respect for Uri Maklev, still for a one day only ‘carnival’ (I have been in Meron off and on since ’68) I agree that it is ridiculous for the state to spend so much money and to allow the serious possibility of a terrorist attack of major proportion.

    Only Egged buses should be allowed in and out of the area and no private autos. It is ridiculous to see what goes on there.

    People would do better to learn Rashbi’s Idra, or other parts of the Zohar, and if not learn one of the parts of the gemora that deal with Rebbe Shimon.

    What goes on in Meron is a disgrace and only suitable for am haOretz gemorim.

  6. #4:
    Yes they do. Open up parking areas and allow private bus companies in! This has everything to do with Egged fighting to keep its monopoly, and nothing to do with the government really caring whether or not people can get to Meron.

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