Reply To: Chabad Media Won

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To Lostspark

You use the term “Sinas Chinam” inappropriately. Sinas Chinam means baseless hatred. The implication is that if one has a justifiable reason to hate another Jew(s) he is permitted and probably obligated to do so. Was Pinchas wrong for what he did? Quite the opposite. I have clearly proved that there is a substantial element within Chabad who are overt idolaters. Sechel has stated clearly that the Rebbe is god. Rabbi Cunin stated publicly that the Rebbe and not Hashem runs the world. This isn’t Korov to idolatry it is outright idolatry and since you refuse to condemn such statements one must conclude that you agree with them. If you don’t then answer my challenge and say that Sechel, Cunin and his adherents are idolaters and I renounce them. Of course you won’t do so because you’re too busy attacking YU and Touro. As for my position vis a vis the Rebbe. He was a Kofer and I’ve offered clear-cut evidence. One of my closest Rabbeim said, “The Rebbe’s Gaavah was so enormous he convinced himself he was god.” I know that you want to portray as this wild-eyed zealot who hates Lubavichers. If you saw me interact in Shul you’d have a very different picture. Everyone welcomes me when I come to shul in the morning because I daven for the Amud every day. Look most of my patients are Christians does that mean that I hate them because we have a different religion? I like most Lubavichers that I know as people but their religion isn’t Judaism AFAIC.

To Coffee Addict

Their are only three shuls in my neighborhood with daily minyanim. Two are Chabad and one is a YI with a Chabad Rabbi who I can’t stand. I won’t give up davening with a minyan and so I attend the shul I go to. I didn’t say that all Lubavichers are idolaters. What I said is that since no one repudiates those who openly state that the Rebbe is god it would seem that they should be judged as idolaters. Of course that’s not my call. Hashem has to make any such decisions and until our Gedolim pasken that one can’t daven in a place with Lubavichers I’m certainly permitted to do so.