Yesod veshoresh Hovoda says from zohar how stop antisemitismfrom

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  • #2299816
    bael teshuva

    Help someone who hurt you. example pray they should have the most olam haba and do so much teshuva that they get olam habah for their teshuva. this also brings Mashiach. This is from Zohor.


    Bael Teshuva’s obviously unusual spelling and grammar cause me to suspect
    that his messages in this Coffee Room are intended to be weird jokes,
    in which we are supposed to laugh at Baalei Teshuvah,
    because Baalei Teshuvah are generally not respected,
    and they are safe to disparage and laugh at,
    because of their low status in the world of Orthodox Judaism.

    Additionally, I will not accept his quote from the Zohar,
    until someone provides the exact Parsha and page number,
    so it’s accuracy can be verified.

    I will not accept his quote from the Yesod VeShoresh HaAvodah,
    until someone provides the exact chapter and page number,
    so it’s accuracy can be verified.

    Reb Eliezer

    Look at the Kli Yakar in Devorim on Penu lochem tzafona, not to show off infront of goyim who get jealous.


    tractate Taanit, page 10B:

    Yaakov [Avinu] said to his sons:

    “Why do you make yourselves conspicuous?”

    Do not allow yourselves to appear well-fed; especially before Eysav,
    and especially before Yishmael, so they not become jealous of you.


    Kli Yakar commentary on Devarim, chapter 2, verse 3:

    If an Israelite in exile enjoys some small success,
    then he must hide it and conceal it completely from Eysav,
    because they are more jealous of Israel than any other nation,
    because according to their understanding, everything
    [that Jews own] was stolen from them…


    Kav HaYashar, Chapter 18:

    “Because of our many sins, the Gentiles have their eyes on Jewish wealth.

    It is a very good idea to conceal your wealth from them.”

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