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Harav Binyomin Hatzadik Returns to Deal; An Inspiring and Impactful Visit

A year after making history with his amazingly impactful visit to the Deal community, Harav Binyomin Hatzadik Finkel returned this past Shabbos Parshas Balak to again inspire and reinforce the kesher he forged with so many individuals. 

Everywhere he went, the Mashgiach was extremely well-received by overflow crowds. Rabbi David M. Haber eloquently captured the collective enthusiasm of the entire kehilla: “It is truly unbelievable that the Mashgiach,  who carries the acharyus of the Torah life and growth of Yeshivas Mir Yerushalayim, and with it, the Torah of Eretz Yisrael and the entire world – chose to spend Shabbos in our community!”

Among the many kehillos visited by the Mashgiach were the late Rabbi Michael Haber zatzal”s Bet Yosef, led by his son Rabbi Joey Haber, The Deal Synagogue led by Rabbi Edmond Nahum, Rabbi David Ozeri, Rabbi David Sutton, and Rabbi Meyer Yedid.

On Thursday night the Mashgiach spoke at a Special Evening of Chizuk at the Brighton Avenue Shul. Friday night’s seuda and Oneg were hosted by Mr. and Mrs. Martin and Joy Erani. On Shabbos morning, he participated in a Q&A and advice session on marriage and chinuch habanim at Bet Yosef, joined by Rabbi Joey Haber and Rabbi Shaul Haber, in the new first floor Beis Medrash; he then gave Divrei Chizuk in the Deal Synagogue. The Shabbos afternoon seuda and Oneg were hosted by Mr. and Mrs. Murad and Lauren Nakash; Shalosh Seudos by Mr. and Mrs. Jimmy and Yvette Hanan. A special Melave Malka – arranged by Rabbi David Nakash and his kehilla – was held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Albert and Tania Armouth-Levy. On Sunday, he visited the homes of many community leaders and friends.

The dedicated host committee – Rabbi David M. Haber, Martin Erani, Murad Nakash, Rabbi Raphael Netanel, Jack Safdeye and Ezra Zaafarani – as well as the Mir staff accompanying the Mashgiach shared that for his part, Rav Binyomin could not stop expressing how he continued to be impressed by the kavod haTorah and the upward trajectory of Aliyah across the community.

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