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The Case of the Tired Shliach Tzibbur for Mincha 17th of Tammuz

By Rabbi Yair Hoffman

The Shliach Tzibbur had fasted all day and was davening from the Artscroll Siddur Siddur Yitzchok Yair HaShalaim (page 102). After Kedushah, the Chazan naturally went on to the Aneinu on the left side rather than going back a few paragraphs earlier to “Atta Chonein” – he said “Aneinu.”

The Tzibbur corrected him to go back to Attah Chonein – which he did do.  But now what should he do about re-reciting it?  Does he skip it – since he said it already?  Also, if one left it out it does not cause the Shmoneh Esreh to be repeated!

Or, on the other hand, does he recite it again because it needs to be said in its ideal place?

Bothe the Shlah (Dinei Tefillah #23) and the Nesivus( Derech HaChaim Hilchos Tefillah Siman 55) say that he does recite it again the second time.

There seem to be 2 reasons for this- 1]  because that is the order that Chazal enacted it in.  and 2] that it be right after a request for redemption and right before heal us in terms of the most effective type of wording.

There are two lessons here.  To highlight within our minds the respect we must all have for Chazal and their takanos and to realize that when Chazal made wordings – they matter.

The author can be reached at [email protected] and still needs tefilos. As I have a blood clot in the heart as a result of the Widow-maker heart attack which could cause another heart attack or a stroke rachmana litzlan. Yair Nissan ben Sara

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