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DESPICABLE: Self-Hating Jewish Rep. Jerry Nadler Calls Netanyahu “Worst Leader In Jewish History”

In a scathing statement, senior Jewish Democratic lawmaker Jerrold Nadler denounced Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu as “the worst leader in Jewish history” since the Maccabean king (Aristobulus) who invited the Romans into Yerushalayim over 2100 years ago. In his statement, Nadler listed a whole list of grievances he has against Netanyahu.

“The Prime Minister is putting the security of Israel, the lives of the hostages, the stability of the region, and longstanding Israeli democratic norms in perilous jeopardy, simply to maintain the stability of his far-right coalition and absolve him of his own legal troubles,” Nadler wrote on X. “Tomorrow’s address is the next step in a long line of manipulative bad-faith efforts by Republicans to further politicize the U.S.-Israel relationship for partisan gain and is a cynical stunt by Netanyahu aimed at aiding his own desperate political standing at home. There is no question in my mind it should not be happening. Still, I have not given up on the dream of an Israel that can live in peace with its neighbors, including with Palestinians, through a negotiated two-state solution.”

Despite his harsh words, Nadler announced that he will still attend Netanyahu’s speech to a joint session of Congress, saying, “I feel my voice is more impactful in the room, holding the Prime Minister accountable.”

Despite his Jewishness, Nadler supported the 2015 Iran nuclear deal, drawing the ire of many in the US and Israel, including some who accused him of stabbing the Jewish State in the back.

Nadler also defended Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez after she compared the detention of illegal migrants crossing into the US to Nazi concentration camps.

(YWN World Headquarters – NYC)

20 Responses

  1. “DESPICABLE: Self-Hating Jewish Rep. Jerry Nadler Calls Netanyahu “Worst Leader In Jewish History””

    “Despite his Jewishness, Nadler supported the 2015 Iran nuclear deal, drawing the ire of many in the US and Israel, including some who accused him of stabbing the Jewish State in the back.”

    First, that “State” is Zionist, not Jewish. Stop mindlessly repeating anti-Torah Zionist lies.

    Next, what exactly is “despicable” about calling the current Zionist leader the worst leader in Jewish history? Is that wrong because it’s an insult to the Zionist idolaters?

    From the Torah’s perspective – meaning to say: the truth – given the cataclysmic damage done by Zionism to Judaism, it follows that any Zionist leader is automatically the worst Jewish ruler over Jews (not “Jewish leader” – despite the subtle difference in wording) in history.

    As well, this particular ruler has overseen the never-before-seen-in-history gezeiras shmad of the Zionists drafting the frum Jews under their control and further impoverishing all the frum Jews there. That sounds like it qualifies as worst in history.

  2. Call this fat obese slob all the adjectives you like. Yet, come election time, the chassidish rebbes of BP fawn all over him!

  3. DESPICABLE of a website that collect shochad money for yeshivos to call somebody a self hating Jew what ever that is, do some of it yourself not going to take time to explain the foolishness of it very immature write some news about the authicity of how many wounded in the Gaza and the children buried live

  4. As we have seen, the Yidden in the US do better with philo-Jewish gentiles in Govt, rather than the Jews who think they have to prove that their allegiance is davka NOT to Israel.

  5. Nadler is a despicable obstacle to good governance. He is full of self-conceit and aside from his pig-headed comments here against Bibi, he is a coward and stooge for Big Pharma and is greatly responsible for unfeelingly pushing the Covid mandates and also in prohibiting, and continuing to rail against vaccine freedoms here in New York.

  6. “Despite his Jewishness” and the fact that he attended a yeshiva for a time (Yeshiva of Crown Heights), Nadler is completely unreliable when it comes to ANY Jewish cause – not just Israel. When he was placed in a clearly gerrymandered district (10 CD), which included Boro Park and Flatbush along with his Liberal Manhattan base, he TOTALLY IGNORED Boro Park and Flatbush and spent his time (when he wasn’t impeaching Trump) exclusively with his Manhattan base. He never once attended ANY Flatbush or Boro Park events….so …yes…he is self-hating and truly anti-Jewish!

  7. I know Jerry from way back. From time to time, you would see him in the window of Jerusalem II Pizza in Midtown reading the Jewish Press while scarfing down three or four slices and a whole falafel platter. He has always been proud to be a graduate of Manhattan Day School, so he says.

    That aside, when the world’s only Jewish state, smaller than New Jersey, is trying to prevent another October 7th and free the remaining hostages – including American citizens – it is really tasteless for Jerry to lambaste, censure, and condemn Prime Minister Netanyahu in this manner. Jerry, as well as Schumer and some other “As-a-Jew” מַה יָפִית אידן in Washington, can go fly a kite.

  8. ” how many wounded in the Gaza and the children buried live”
    Oh no, those poor terrorist children. Now they will never get to grow up and kill Jews.

  9. Your name is the size of your brain. Yes, I’m talking to you! The swine who signs with a dot. How dare you come to a Jewish site and post your vitriol and parrot Hamas’ talking points going against your brothers (if you are Jewish, which I doubt). Go to Iran and don’t come back.

  10. A group of burka-clad Palestinian women were sharing photos of their children one afternoon when one of them sighed and stated “They blow-up so fast”.

  11. If he was speaking about איהוד Olmert or even of נפתלי Bennett, he would be making total sense and probably reflecting views of an exceedingly loving Jew.
    But speaking like this of Bibi Netanyahu or Heaven forbid of the venerated מנחם Begin זצקללה”ה is heinous & despicable & devastating & wicked & clearly is emanating from a most self-hating Jew

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