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    I’ve been hearing the even among the gentiles, tradwives are coming back into style.


    Ha trad wives only exist in the chassidishe velt. Litvaks making their wives work to support limud Torah certainly isn’t trad, only beta males make their wives work. MO are all educated woke girl bosses, definitely not trad territory.


    By the way you are five years behind on international troll culture, trad wives are back out of fashion as they don’t exist amongst the western goyim.



    You can’t convince another Jewish girl to marry you so now you’re looking for a shigtza to convert?


    Let us start this discussion by defining our basic vocabulary:

    TradWives are Traditional Wives, as opposed to Feminist wives.

    TradWives are intentionally similar to the wives that existed in the USA from the 1930s to the 1950s.

    TradWives are similar to the wives that existed in the USA before Feminism became dominant.

    Those women who are Feminists have ridiculed and slandered the Traditional Wives.
    Those women who are Feminists become very angry when they see the Traditional Wives.


    @lostsparks Litvaks don’t make there wife’s work to support Torah,the wife’s are willing to work so that there husbands can learn more hours thereby gaining more oilam haba,if the wife wants she can quit at any moment and make the husband go to work,that’s first off.second- when u have bais yaakov girls going to work it has nothing to do with feminism,feminism is the idea that a women should not depend on a man for anything,including money.bais yaakov girls don’t go to work for that reason they go to work so they can help build a Torah family,I hope u can understand the major difference


    1. Until the earlier 20th century, most women had full time jobs working on farms. Only the super-rich got sit around managing the household (which meant supervising a large number of servants). Middle class urban women ran businesses, engaged in home manufacturing, or had jobs as servants. To be a “traditional” wife who never had to have a career, you had to be wealthy. It wasn’t just Jewish women who worked for a living.

    2. Given that the secular elite are proving unable to have children, there is a high probability that they will die out. This will be a messy matter when in about 40 years senior citizens have to cope with programs as social security cutting benefits, while most voters will be the younger persons who are having children. Already some countries are suffering from falling populations.


    well, mostly _men_ worked on farms, women worked more at home. Gemora lists all jobs a woman is supposed to do in the house, with part of that could be done by the her maids if she brought some. She had to do at least some work to occupy herself. When women had capital and capabilities, halakha allowed them to run those businesses.

    Nowaways, men invented a lot of machines that perform the jobs in the house, and society started schools, and recently free pre-Ks, to take care of the children.


    From a Yiddishe standpoint, any frum married women is a traditional wife by definition.

    From a secular perspective, it hearkens back to an idealized concept that never really existed in reality. There were rich families, where the women were pampered all day and never lifted a finger. And their were poorer families, where the women worked themselves to the bone. The “traditional wife”, who stays around the house all day making herself pretty and cooking for her husband and kids, is something from 1950s media as a fantasy both men and women would like to have.

    ☕️coffee addict


    You do know that sfardim are Jews too, right?


    Yserb, Most of jobs assigned to women seem to be the ones done at home. It does not mean they were “homemakers”

    Before the industrial age, most people did not “go to work”, unless they were farming in the fields or travelling as merchants. Look at Nezikin, say Bava Batra discussing all kind of businesses in the mavoy …


    @Always_Ask_Questions Exactly. So the concept of traditional wife who prioritizes homemaking never really existed in any extended capacity.


    I think Eshes Chail summarizes it pretty well.

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