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Let us remind ourselves directly and not need tragedies hitting klal yisroel DIRECTLY FROM HASHEM to remember
a)that Hashem runs the entire world from big countries down to little cities and all the way down to YOUR breathing from second to second to keep you alive
B)we all know the famous line of “ain poranius baolam Ela bishvil yisroel” which means EVERYTHING going on in the world even when there’s not a single jew involved is still always a message and wake up call to klal yisroel DIRECTLY FROM HASHEM for serious Teshuva and Achdus together.
C)as the author said we’re so happy in America and missing the most important part holding us back from Mashiach already coming. WERE MISSING THE TZIPISA L’YESHUA the YEARNING for Mashiach to come already……. If Klal yisroel was really yearning for Mashiach to come already then we wouldn’t all be looking at our clocks on Tisha B’av for Chatzos so we can go back to sitting on a couch but it would actually be vice versa where the person would say for the sake of the churban Bais hamikdosh, forget about chatzos but I will fast a full extra day all I ask is that Hashem please rebuild the Bais hamikdosh……. But we all know that this is not what’s going through our minds just even one day a year of mourning. Instead we just want to get back to ourselves and our self-centeredness of Sedom were currently living in
May this be a wake up call for all of us to finally stop living in denial and FACE REALITY and openly accept Hashems wake up call for serious Teshuva and Achdus together as one loving nation so Hashem can send Mashiach already bkarov