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In Time For The 3 Weeks From Rabbi Paysach Krohn!


This year, make the days of mourning truly meaningful…and discover the hope of rebuilding.

Rabbi Paysach Krohn shares his compelling insights and — of course — dozens of uplifting stories that open new vistas of understanding of both the tragedy of Churban and the glorious opportunities we have to hasten the geulah.

From Sorrow to Celebration is a groundbreaking work which includes unique sections on the Bais HaMikdashAhavas Yisrael, Shabbos Nachamu, Mashiach and Geulah and the joyous day of Tu B’Av, as well as brief biographies and riveting stories of gedolim whose yahrzeits fall in the period of the Three Weeks until Tu B’Av. Watch Rabbi Krohn as he tells over some of the stories included in the book here.

From Sorrow to Celebration is available at your local Hebrew bookseller or here and 1-800 Mesorah (637-6724).

GRAB IT while it is still in stock! 

BROWSE all ArtScroll’s Three Week titles here.

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