Another Proof Biden is Against Israel

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    Guy couldn’t put a sentence together without making a mistake for most of the press conference last Thursday but he saved his “best” to bash Israel and push for a Hamas state.


    President Joe Biden has hundreds of high-level employees
    who report to him directly or indirectly. They are his administration.

    Total number of pro-Israel people in the Biden Administration: 0.
    Percent of pro-Hamas people in the Biden Administration: 100%.

    But the best part is when millions of Jews vote to re-elect Joe Biden,
    even though his administration is 100% pro-Hamas and 0% pro-Israel.
    Because Jews are very intelligent.


    Push for hamas state ? A pure lie
    0% pro israel ? Another pure lie
    0% pro israel ? That’s why he’s been sending ar ms to israel for the last 9 months?
    U guys r sick sick sick


    If he can’t put a sentence together then how do you get any message from him?

    Dr. Pepper


    If he’d be a tough leader and Pro-Israel (like the previous president) this wouldn’t have started in the first place.

    Sending arms to Israel? Yes, he’s sending arms to Israel- but not because he’s Pro-Israel, he’s terrified of Israel going nuclear as it would destabilize the entire Middle East. That’s exactly what happened during the Yom Kippur War- Golda Meir threatened to go nuclear and all of the sudden Nixon started sending weapons to Israel.

    You truth haters really know how to spin things.


    Yechiell: Don’t expect a rational discussion here about Biden’s creds regarding support for EY.
    Biden, along with at least half of the population of EY is clearly fed up with Bibi’s self-centered approach to the Gaza campaign focused on keeping himself in power and out of jail.



    That’s right you vile mah yafis, keep defending the useless ‘turd by blaming a Jew. What a sick kapo you are! The entire world will rejoice when your boomerang curse finishes you off.


    The article shown below is titled:
    “The Democrats’ last ditch plans” and was written by Alan Bergstein.
    It was published on 2024 May 30 in www (dot) IsraelNationalNews (dot) com:


    I’ll readily admit that I try to regulate my schedule
    to tune in to every speech Joe Biden delivers.

    It’s not out of respect for the man or for the knowledge he imparts.

    With notebook and pen in hand, at each event, I wait patiently
    for him to come up with one of his patented fairy tales,
    start screaming or whispering at the camera,
    or merely just close his eyes and amazingly nodding off,
    while standing upright.

    Joe can do it all in the minimum amount of time his handlers allot him.

    Too much, and he’ll wander off script, imitating Buddy Hackett.
    In short, he’s a scam artist and out of it, but most of all and most sadly,
    he’s the US president. And we Americans are stuck with him as long
    as he’s still breathing, until Trump’s Inauguration Day,
    January 20, 2025. May G-d have mercy on us ’til then…

    But all the while, give Biden, this inane quisling, credit for his political survival savvy.

    He’s the prime example of a dangerous dictator masquerading as a victim and patriot.
    He showers us with self-pitying tales of his wife’s and kids’ disastrous automobile deaths
    and falsifies his son Beau’s death as occurring during the Iraq war.

    He not only proclaims what kinds of autos, washing machines
    and light bulbs we must purchase but also woos the support
    of enemy nations with billions of our taxpayer monies.

    He also now oversees and controls our formerly independent
    criminal justice system consisting of three letter agencies (FBI, CIA, DOJ, IRS),
    to harass, prosecute and incriminate his political enemies.

    In short, he is an All-American, suit and tie wearing version of a Castro,
    Putin, Stalin or Hitler in our White House. Do not underestimate him.

    To our amazement, he has tyrannically persecuted, prosecuted and incriminated
    the main adversary to his continuing presidency, using our criminal justice system
    to openly attempt to throttle Trump’s campaigning…and has failed.

    Trump, forced to remain in Manhattan, where Democrat Soros-funded DA,
    Alvin Bragg rules, has used his court “off time” to roust up enough NYC
    and NJ supporters, to threaten the Democrat dominance in these states.

    There seems to be no prosecutorial way to throttle Trump.
    Legally anyway.
    So, with the election looming only five months away and with
    Biden’s brain and body withering before our very eyes, with Trump supporters
    coming out in droves and with the polls showing a possible
    national crushing defeat for the Democrat Party from dog-catcher
    up to the White House, what’s their next step, their way out?

    ** I believe there might even be a plan, a last ditch one; a last resort,
    to harm Trump physically. It’s standard procedure in totalitarian countries
    to exterminate serious political opposition, and since
    we’re currently bordering on one, why not here?

    We’ve seen the viral hatred exhibited by the likes of
    Dem leaders, Ilhan Omar, Rashida Tlaib, Ayanna Pressley,
    Bernie Sanders and others of their side of the aisle.

    And supporting their positions, the recent nationwide, well led, planned
    and funded street and college riots, awakening us to understand that
    they are very capable of untold violence to stay afloat and in command.
    And anyone, who stands in their way must be erased, removed, eradicated.

    We see how Biden and his party have already abandoned Israel,
    throwing it to the wolves.

    And didn’t the Obama/Biden team gift Iran with a nuclear arsenal?

    Sad to say, we’ve come to a point in time when our democracy,
    our acceptance of the rights of all to speak up and be heard
    is tapering off and is in danger of becoming history.

    Donald Trump is the lone one standing in the way of those who
    are both on the payroll and in the camp of Iran and China.

    His presidency would put an end to China’s growing industrial
    and financial dominance over the world and he’d stop the Islamist Iran
    from radiating its Koranic control of the Middle East and its energy deposits.

    These next most crucial five months will tell the story. if Trump evades
    a jail term in NYC and elsewhere, and if he gets free to campaign
    and tell the story of the plans the Democrat Party has for this country,
    he must be mindful that he is a target, a real one, for his opposition
    and must keep a constant security team around him and his family.

    May G-d watch over and protect him.


    President Joe Biden’s old boss, Mr. Barack Hussein Obama,
    used the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) to attack
    pro-Israel non-profit organizations.

    Amazingly. most American Jews are still big fans of Obama!
    Obama’s persecution of pro-Israel non-profit organizations
    did not reduce his popularity with Leftist Jews, not even by 1%.


    dr pepper
    amazing how you know what is, and was, in biden’s and golda meir’s minds.
    hope you can’t read my mind about you, cause it aint pretty


    The (sad but true) saying of Antisemites, “Give a Jew an inch & next he’ll demand a mile.”
    Biden could’ve reacted much differently to Oct 7 but he totally took the Israeli side (despite pressure from pro-palestinians in his office).
    He sent a ton of weapons ( with a small slow down that didn’t threaten any of Israel’s capabilities to pretend to cater to the left).
    But in true Jewish fashion since a US military cargo plane flying to Israel with arms didn’t take your “small package” for Kivi learning in Yeshiva you conclude Biden must be a raging Pro-Hamas, Anti-Israel Antisemite.


    I’m the last one who can be accused of being anything close to pro-Biden. But in regards to his actions with Israel in general and regarding October 7 specifically, Biden has certainly not been terrible. He’s been fairly good. Certainly there’s a lot more to be desired and he made some wrong decisions, moves and comments regarding Israel and October 7, but overall he’s been okay. He’s notably better than Barack Obama. But he also is definitely not even 10% as good as Donald Trump, regarding Israel and Jews.



    The (sad but true) reality of Jewish mah-yafisniks has always been to flatter those who hurt us and blame the fallout our own. Brandon’s inexcusable behavior over the past six months has included permitting condemnation of Israel at the U.N., allowing anti-Semitic riots at universities, withholding promised vital weaponry then lying about it and duplicitous hostage negotiation tactics.

    Whitewashing these betrayals with a joke about “your small package for Kivi” shows that we still have dangerous quislings within our ranks.


    “dr pepper
    amazing how you know what is, and was, in biden’s and golda meir’s minds.
    hope you can’t read my mind about you, cause it aint pretty“

    Just in case you’re wondering why moshiach isn’t here yet…..

    Dr. Pepper

    @ coffee addict-

    When I post stuff here I understand that others may respond offensively and I’m always מוחל everyone בלב שלם retroactively (even the posters that have contacted me personally).

    I was actually honored by what @yechiell wrote (I’m not sure why the Mods didn’t let it through) as I’d be in big trouble with the one above of someone like him agreed with my opinions.


    am always amazed when i see trumpers go berserk if someone doesn’t say just the right thing.
    but their hero, their messiah, can call people derogatory nicknames, spew forth hatred for all who don’t agree with him, bad-mouth everyone, demonize everyone who’s not on board – somehow that’s ok.
    there’s one yiddish word for this: FEH !


    > if someone doesn’t say just the right thing.

    hopefully, standards for Yidden talking to each other should be higher than for American politicians. We are all affected by this plague, but maybe, D- posters are generally more assimilated, or more attuned to non-Jewish discussion style, so it looks so ugly here. In other venues, I see both sides having obnoxious posters in equal proportion.

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