Reply To: Why I’m voting for Biden

Home Forums Decaffeinated Coffee Why I’m voting for Biden Reply To: Why I’m voting for Biden

Dr. Pepper


I’m not sure what you’re getting at. If I don’t see eye to eye with “sicko” or “sinwar” on just about anything but they claim that 1+1=2 I’m going to have to agree with them on that even if it means going against a respected person who claims that 1+1=3.

You mentioned that you don’t know what Pollard did or didn’t do but I shouldn’t bring up possible crimes that never went to trial. Are you familiar with his case? He didn’t go to trial- he pled guilty and then violated the terms of his plea agreement with is probably why he got the maximum.

@coffee addict

What does what have to do with the spying he was charged with?

How does him spying make him relevant close to 40 years after he was caught?

said that what he says is irrelevant. I normally don’t agree with Gadolhadorah but in this case I do. How does the length of his sentence make him more relevant?