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Presidential Candidate Ben-Eliezer’s Integrity is Challenged

belThe Channel 2 TV “Uvda” program ran a report on MK Binyamin Ben-Eliezer, who is viewed among the leading candidates to become Israel’s next present. Ben-Eliezer is the veteran MK in the current Knesset, as well as a retired IDF brigadier-general and has served in an array of cabinet posts, including minister of defense.

Uvda reported that Ben-Eliezer has membership cards for five exclusive clubs in London, clubs that include casinos. It was reported that he visited these casinos both as an MK and cabinet minister.

Uvda then aired a recorded conversation between Ben-Eliezer and its reporter during which the presidential candidate denied ever entering a casino in London.

When he was shown proof of his membership card to one of the casinos he then said he was once there but only to eat, not to gamble. He assured Uvda it was a onetime event. When shown the next card he then retracted his earlier statement, admitting he was there too, but only once and only to eat. This repeated itself until all five cards were revealed.

Ben-Eliezer’s media advisor released a statement explaining he has a large family in London and he does eat in these restaurants during his visits with family members.

At the end of the program Ben-Eliezer stated in the worst case scenario he may have lost 20 pound sterling gambling.

Citizens this morning are questioning the integrity of a presidential candidate following the program.

In the meantime, candidate Minister Silvan Shalom is having a difficult time as a police investigation against him for alleged assaults against women remains active. Candidate Prof. Dan Shectman, a Nobel Prize laureate, still has not gathered the required number of signatures to become a candidate. So for the time being, the presidential field is looking quite good for Likud candidate Reuven Rivlin.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

2 Responses

  1. INTEGRITY? what is that and the word politician doing in the same paragraph?

    Few Israeli politicians have any integrity; it was a machloces between my mother and grandmother: one said all politicians are crooks and the said, no, they are just bums.

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