Reply To: Music Blasting at Philadelphia While Jewish People are at War in Israel?

Home Forums Decaffeinated Coffee Music Blasting at Philadelphia While Jewish People are at War in Israel? Reply To: Music Blasting at Philadelphia While Jewish People are at War in Israel?


@lakewutt – I understand and in many ways agree with your sentiment – but it is an unfortunate fact that many in the US, and not only in the Yeshiva Velt, see Israel as something far away with minimal impact on them. The bigger issue in my view is what @pekak said about “life going on as usual in E”Y” – for most Israelis, it most certainly is NOT. I have heard from relatives in Chareidi Yeshivos in Yerushalayim that they don’t really feel the war – but that is a small subgroup of people in Israel. It is the group in Israel that is most closely connected to the Lakewood institutions that put on the event in Philadelphia – so perhaps that is why not much consideration was given to what’s going on in Israel.

an Israeli Yid