Reply To: Chasidus Filling a Void Within Modern Orthodoxy

Home Forums Decaffeinated Coffee Chasidus Filling a Void Within Modern Orthodoxy Reply To: Chasidus Filling a Void Within Modern Orthodoxy


The rambam writes in his hakdoma of Mishnah Torah that when there was a Sanhedrin everyone needed to follow it, whatever is in shas everyone needs to follow, anything after, one kehilla can’t force another kehillah to follow .
Da ill check it up iyh
Can you bring me a makor for your statement of mesorah? Or it’s just your own mesorah that I need to accept?
Your saying that the baal shem tov leaned new ways, example please? Saying something is more important is not a change. And there are different מאמרי חזל about it. See hilchos Talmud torah of the shulchan aruch harav where he says dvaikus in tefillah overrides learning Torah (he brings mekoros and we all know he knew shas better than me and you)
Overriding zmanim we already discussed this , there are mekoros, פרישה on the tur. It’s not against shas against the michaber and tama? The gra argued too!!