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GREAT JOB, DEMS: Trump’s Conviction Has Eroded Faith In American Justice System, Poll Finds

A new YouGov poll has revealed that the conviction of former President Donald Trump has led to a decline in Americans’ trust in the judicial system. The survey found that trust in the American jury system fell three points, from 54% to 51%, between April 16 and May 31. This drop was more pronounced among independents and Republicans, with independents’ trust decreasing by four points and Republicans’ trust plummeting by 17 points. In contrast, Democrats’ trust in the jury system increased by ten points, resulting in a massive 35-point gap between Republicans and Democrats.

Despite this erosion of trust, only 34% of Americans believe that Trump’s conviction will harm his political career. Among independents, 32% think the conviction will have a negative impact, while 18% of Republicans and 58% of Democrats hold the same view.

The poll also found that independents are divided on whether Trump’s conviction will influence their voting decisions. Four percent of independents who initially planned to vote for Trump no longer intend to do so, while an equal percentage of independents who did not plan to vote for Trump now intend to support him.

Notably, only 23% of Americans expected Trump to be convicted, according to a pre-verdict YouGov survey.

(YWN World Headquarters – NYC)

7 Responses

  1. “Great Job, Dems”? This prosecution was done by the Manhattan DA. It was not done by Biden. I’ve been following the case. It’s been remarkably fair. The judge sustained many objections from Trump’s lawyers and rejected anti-Trump jurors. Trump was prosecuted because he committed a crime. He was convicted because he committed a crime. Faith in the justice system has declined because Trump and conservative media is calling the case a scam and people are believing it. But, that’s not the Dems fault.

  2. Great job dems?! Great job convicted felon, who has done nothing but attack, denigrate and tear down the fundamental institutions of this great country. Including law enforcement and the courts. Fools will believe the lies, the thinking will ignore the liar.

  3. The real question is whether the Republicans can make distrust in the criminal justice system into “their” issue. Heretofore it had been exploited by the Democrats (even though they also control most of the criminal justice system). Particular if the African Americans’ anger of the criminal justice system means the Republicans can get them back (between the 1930s and the 1960s, Blacks switched from being loyal Republicans to Democrats) by such demands as prohibiting prosecutorial discretion to make ideology, ethnicity and class a major factor (rather than guilt or innocence) in who gets charged with a crime.

    Trump won over the “deplorables” who had been Democrats, and if he can win over the Black and Hispanic working class, it will radically change national politics.

  4. Even “when” hunter Biden gets convicted:- Too late to restore confidential to justice department, let alone for entire farth of insane jury system

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