Reply To: Chasidus Filling a Void Within Modern Orthodoxy

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You are describing one nitch of chasdus called chabad. I hate to say this but Chabad isn’t the only chasidsha group nor does it have a right to claim that only its way is the true way. There are many ways to serve hashem including many chasdisha ways. The big broad chasdisha groups whether its belz, satmar, Ger or chabad all believed that the way to serve hashem with more of a feeling and heart while Litfaks were more focused on just observing whats strictly required by the torah. That means that things like davening we only to obeserve the halcha part but who says its needs to be with a bren and fire or that everything needs a minyan. When it comes to kedusha thats not anyhwere in the torah so who says we need to do more. Most chasdim aside for chabad actually do very much scream about shmiras enyiam (look at the shomieri emunim’s sefer tahros kakodesh) and thats a big thing. Yes that is a chasdisha thing and you have no right to say it isn’t because its not chabad’s thing. The idea of kedusha is, that nowehere in the torah does it explicltiy outline the exact limits. But if one lives for a deeper meaning and wants to do it for hashem kedusha is a focus. Its 100% a chasdisha concept that must be spoken about. Same is true about kashrus where chasdim have more chumras bec even tough techincally maybe chalov stam is permitted we live to a higher standard than just what the torah allowed.

Yes chabad differs in that its about training your mind while other chasdim believe its about being extra observant than just the torah but chasdis is living for more then the torah and a code of laws. Once again sorry but chabad is just one of many chasdism.

This is all leads to my point, the old school litfak is almost non existent aside for the “frum Modern orthdox black hats who still kind of subscribe to that.