There is no Biden and there is no Trump

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    There is no Biden and there is no Trump. There is no Democratic Party and there is no Republican Party. Hashem runs the world. Biden and Trump are both illusions of the hester panim. Vote the way your daas torah tells you to, but don’t get so wrapped up in politics as it’s all fake.

    As well, plenty of yidden voted for Hitler ym”sh thinking he was better for the Jews than the Communists. If you voted based on Daas Torah, you don’t have to feel guilty over the outcome. If you vote based on your own daas, you are responsible for the outcome.

    ☕️coffee addict



    Hitler was democratically elected. I’m sure there was one Rabbi in favor in 1933.



    Sam Klein

    Hashem runs the entire world and has already decided a long time ago who will win the American presidential election race of 2024 but at the end of the day whoever wins. They are just ACTORS messengers of Hashem to run the country.


    @OP “Vote the way your daas torah tells you to” meaning I should vote for the guy who paid off the executive director of the mosed the most, I got it


    R Yochanan b Zakkai was not sure till the end of his days whether he was right when he asked Vespasian for a little, and succeeded, or maybe he could have asked for more. Somehow he did not trust his daas Torah …

    on the other hand, when rabbi Yehoshua ben Korcha calls (his student?) R Eliezer “vinegar ben wine” for becoming a Roman collaborator searching for Jewish bandits, R Eliezer tries to defend himself. But when a simple person says the same thing, R Eliezer sends the guards on him – so disrespect to daas Torah might be dangerous…. but then R Eliezer himself takes yissurim upon himself till his death because of this episode, despite others assuring him that his “gut judgment” was correct and the man was deserving and he himself tested his fat to prove that he is right. So, he also was not sure of his own daas Torah … not an easy question.

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