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Will Dati Leumi Leaders Fight for the Post of Sephardi Rav in Yerushalayim Too?

elyaIn the coming weeks, barring any surprises, the candidates will be announced in the race for Jerusalem Chief Rabbis, posts that have been vacant for well over a decade. While there was talk of a deal that would guarantee Shas support for a dati leumi chief rabbi in exchange for dati leumi support for a Shas-affiliated Sephardi chief rabbi, such a deal is now a bit more complicated. Following Shas’ recent appointment of HaGaon HaRav Shalom Cohen Shlita to head its Moetzas Gedolei Hatorah, some dati leumi leaders oppose cutting any deal. Rav Cohen has spoken out in the harshest terms against the dati leumi community and the Bayit Yehudi party, even as recently as in past weeks.

Shas leader Aryeh Deri has been working to cut a deal, willing to support dati leumi candidate Rabbi Aryeh Stern for the post of Ashkenazi Chief Rabbi. Deri denies any deal-making but Shas sources say otherwise. In return, Bayit Yehudi and the dati leumi camp would support Shas’ candidate for the post of Sephardi chief rabbi. Now there is talk of shunning Shas, with some dati leumi officials confident they can earn the required support to have two dati leumi rabbonim in the capital.

One of the names being considered is Tzfas Sephardi Chief Rabbi Shmuel Eliyahu Shlita. Rav Eliyahu has an uphill battle. While well respected in the dati leumi camp, if a deal is cut with Shas, the Sephardi party will not select him. Shas is more likely to tap one of the sons of Maran HaGaon HaRav Ovadia Yosef ZT”L, perhaps Holon Chief Rabbi HaGaon HaRav Avraham Yosef Shlita, or event Beersheva Chief Rabbi HaGaon HaRav Yehuda Deri Shlita, the latter being a brother of the Shas leader. In addition, Rav Eliyahu will face opposition from the liberal factions of the Jerusalem coalition, for this faction remains adamantly opposed to Rav Eliyahu’s right-wing hawkish political views.

One of the outspoken opponents of cutting a deal with Shas is Jerusalem Councilman Aryeh King, a member of the dati leumi community who feels both rabbonim should be affiliated with the Zionist camp. He does not see the gain is the deal with Shas for he believes the dati leumi camp has sufficient support to go it alone and take both posts.

In the chareidi camp some of the key players are still using stall tactics in the hope of delaying the election until Rabbi Stern passes his 70th birthday. At 70 he will be ineligible to run for the post for that is the age ceiling set in the law.

Other Sephardi rabbonim who may be viewed as acceptable in the eyes of the dati leumi community include Rabbi David Chai HaKohen and Kiryat Ono Chief Rabbi Dr. Ratzon Arussi. Rav Arussi in particular is viewed as a person acceptable in many camps. He recently started as a candidate in the race to become the next Rishon L’Tzion but bowed out of the race when it became clear he does not have a chance.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

8 Responses

  1. Avraham Yosef — I hesitate to call him Rabbi, much less HaGaon — paskened just weeks ago that submitting someone else’s work as your own to a university class is not only permitted, but a mitzvah! And he had the chutzpah to question the dayanut of Rabbi Stav? Appointing someone like this to a prestigious position would be a shanda.

  2. How come if Shas supports the rabbonim they become “HaGaon” acc. to yeshivaworld but if they’re Dati Leumi they are not???
    Hmm… wonder who’s side they’re on…

  3. Stupid & useless arguments, Rav Stern & Eliyahu are worthy candidates. To stall is spiteful and Rav Cohen set his position against the DL CAMP a while back.

  4. To Char;ie Hall
    I really dont know about Rav Yosef or the Dayanut of Rav Stav
    I do know that Rav Stav made a bit of a fool of himself – there was a Video of his with some skit of hisnrecently and to tell u the truth I was astounded that such a man should be elected as a Chief Rabbi

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