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Haifa Mall to Begin Opening on Shabbos R”L

shabbosSimilar to recent efforts in Yerushalayim to open more stores on Shabbos, the management of the Sharon Alon Mall in Haifa this week met and decided to begin opening its doors on Shabbos R”L. The announcement to the public says the mall will open its doors at 10AM on Shabbos morning.

Anyone that arrived in Haifa’s Hadar neighborhood recently could not help but noticing the large notices announcing the planned opening of the mall on Shabbos.

Haifa is viewed as a moderate city regarding relations between shomer shabbos and non religious Jews. For the most part, the religious status quo has been adhered to and the different types of Yidden live side-by-side without friction. Some fear that in addition to the unwanted Chilul Shabbos, the opening of the major mall on Shabbos may mark the beginning of a change, one that will polarize both secularists and frum residents alike.

In a letter to the mall’s management, Haifa Deputy Mayor Rav Aryeh Blitenthal asks them to reconsider violating the long-standing religious status quo. At present, there is no sign that management is going to change its mind. Blitenthal points out to the mall operators that most store owners do not want to work on Shabbos but if the mall opens, they too will be compelled to open fearing the competition and loss of revenue.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

5 Responses

  1. No one is forcing the frum residents to go to the mall on Shabbos. Nor is anyone stopping the frum residents from going to davening an enjoying manuchas Shabbos in whatever way they choose do do so. The frum residents should simply ignore the mall and go about their lives. They don’t want the secular residents telling them how to live their lives or educate their children. They shouldn’t tell the secular how to live their lives.

  2. Gadol hadora everytime u shoot offyour mouth i hear some wonderful lib ideas. Did you know that for whatever reason the chilonim felt compelled to keep status quo when the statebwas founded but now no longer feel obligated. This is the problem when dealing with people who have no eternal values everything is subject to change based on expediencr

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