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“A Republican member of Congress [Doug Lamborn]
has slammed Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden
for pledging to restore U.S. funding to the Palestinians…

SOURCE: Biden’s pledge to restore US funding to Palestinians
by Jackson Richman, 2020 September 3, JNS dot org

PS: President Joe Biden fulfilled his promise to fund the terrorists,
with hundreds of millions of dollars.

Democrats have made all these stupid wicked choices:

(1) choosing Israel’s genocidal enemies over Israel
(2) choosing Muslims over Americans
(3) choosing socialism over democracy
(4) choosing “Free Stuff” over the USA Constitution
(5) choosing criminals over police
(6) choosing illegal aliens over citizens
(7) choosing gays and lesbians over normal people
(8) choosing Jew-hating Black professors over Jewish professors
(9) choosing race-quota-based hiring over merit-based hiring
(10) choosing atheism over All-Mighty G*D.

Caroline Glick said:

“Over the past several years, Congress made several attempts
to amend Title VI to include anti-Jewish discrimination.
These efforts enjoyed broad bipartisan support.

But they were all blocked by members of the progressive
camp inside the Democratic congressional caucus.

Like the anti-Semitic boycott activists ostracizing Jews on campuses,
the progressive lawmakers claimed that expansion of the protections
of Title VI to include anti-Jewish discrimination would undermine
the free speech rights of anti-Israel activists on campuses.

That is, they said the rights of anti-Semites to preach anti-Semitism
superseded the rights of Jewish students not to be harassed.”

SOURCE: Why American Jews slander President Trump
by Caroline Glick 2019/12/15 www (dot) JNS (dot) org

from Mosaic Magazine (2019/10/30):

…the extreme progressive Democrats and their allies
who try to delegitimize and demonize Israel have
managed [to make commonplace] a set of mantras…
about the Israel-Palestinian conflict without
questioning their veracity. For instance:

“Israel is or is bound to become an apartheid state
or lose its Jewish identity”;

“Israel is a colonialist and racist state that illegally
occupies Palestinian territory and builds illegal settlements”;

“Israel occupies Gaza”; [and other] nonsensical claims.

SOURCE: When It Comes to Israel, Moderate
Democrats Are Now Under the Sway of Progressives

PS: Since this article was written, the extreme progressive
dominance over the Democrat Party has only become worse.