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WATCH: Trump Urges Netanyahu To ‘Finish’ War Against Hamas, Rips Jewish Support For Democrats Like Schumer

In an interview with Fox News, Donald Trump called on Israeli Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu to continue fighting against Hamas, but make efforts to quickly end the conflict.

“I think you have to finish it up, and do it quickly and get back to the world of peace,” Trump said.

While stopping short of demanding a ceasefire, Trump’s remarks mark the second time this month he has expressed some unease with Israel’s ongoing conflict with Hamas.

Trump also criticized Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer’s call for elections in Israel to replace Netanyahu, arguing that Schumer is prioritizing gaining more voters over supporting Israel.

“He’s seeing the Palestinians and he’s seeing the marches and they are big. Then he says, I want to go that way instead of Israel,” Trump said. “He sees a lot of people protesting out there and they happen to be Palestinians or… from the Middle East. He was probably shocked to see it, and, all of a sudden, he dumped Israel.”

“He just said, essentially, that Bibi Netanyahu should take a walk,” Trump added.

Trump also asserted that if re-elected, he would bring “peace in the Middle East” and end the war between Russia and Ukraine – possibly before he’s even sworn in. He cited his success in brokering the Abraham Accords as evidence of his ability to achieve peace in the region.

(YWN World Headquarters – NYC)

9 Responses

  1. He’s correct of course. Just wish someone would advise him to identify it as LIBERAL Jewish support for democrats. Maybe he is aware of but afraid of offending his not-so Orthodox in-laws.

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