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“ From literally decades of experience with kids and young adults: it works! When a kid sees that the person does something blatantly wrong, e.g. doesn’t dress appropriately, and you stress that the person has so many good middos, the kid more often than not understands that the good deeds are mechaper on the bad, and for a kid to think that is terrible and extremely harmful.”

You’re quoting what you don’t do. That’s not called experience. In lubavitch we teach how, on the one hand we must always demand from ourselves and look to do better, and on the other hand, to see only the good in other people- highlight the real them as much as possible.

Yes if you say it’s fine not to dress tznius because you do Chessed, you won’t get good results. But we have an entire growing community who are trained to see ourselves honestly, and see as much as possible only the Neshama aspect of others. And yes, we don’t only see success for ourselves with this approach, but we see success worth bringing others closer as well.