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ICE COLD: GOP Rep. SHUTS DOWN Radical Anti-Israel Rabble-Rousers: “Goodbye To Palestine” [VIDEO]

In a tense confrontation on Capitol Hill, Rep. Chuck Fleischmann – who, despite his name, is not Jewish – pushed back against a group of Code Pink activists who accused him of supporting “genocide” for his support for Israel’s fight against Hamas terrorists.

“I will always support Israel,” Fleischmann told the activists, rejecting their claims and disputing their statistics.

Code Pink, a radical left-wing anti-war organization, has adopted an anti-Israel stance, parroting Palestinian propaganda and ignoring the October 7 terror attack that killed 1,200 in Israel and the kidnapping of hostages.

Medea Benjamin, Code Pink’s co-founder and leader, dressed in a concentration camp uniform, posted footage of the protest, claiming Fleischmann backed the genocide of Palestinians. Fleischmann responded, “Goodbye to Palestine,” which some pro-Palestinian activists online misinterpreted as a statement of policy, targeting his Catholic faith and “Christian Zionism.” Others praised Fleischmann for his strident response to the attempted intimidation.

(YWN World Headquarters – NYC)

6 Responses

  1. Please call him to thank him for his support. They get thousands of anti israel calls.
    His number is 202-225-3271

  2. He is right, but shame that he wasn’t more cool, calm and collected. He would be far more effective that way.
    He should have told them the cold facts – Hamas is committing war crimes and is responsible for the deaths of the Palestinians by using them as human sheilds. He should point out that Israel goes way and beyond what any other country would do to save the lives of the enemy. He should have mentioned that Israel only defends itself, and Hamas were the perpetrators of indescribable cruelty. Hamas and the PA educate and support terrorism. Etc. etc.

  3. @GotAGoodPoint
    I hear you, but are cold hard fact really a match for brutal icy lies?
    I think he fought fire with fire here, sometimes thats the best way

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