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ZAKA’s Shameful Honor

zaka.jpg(INVITATION IN EXTENDED ARTICLE) The Zaka organization of Israel which has invited unwanted attention to itself in the past seems to have done it again. It has sent out invitations for a Washington DC fundraiser on September 16th honoring none other than the disgraced former Rockland County NY Assemblyman, Ryan Karben.

Monsey residents who remember his embarrassing resignation following revelations in Albany of immoral acts perpetrated by him, are scratching their heads over this dubious honor and wondering how this shameful honor was achieved.

ZakaSavetheDate.jpg(Click on image to ENLARGE) The wound of his public disgrace and inglorious end is still fresh in many memories.

(Pinchos Gordon – YWN)

26 Responses

  1. Where is Dov Hikind who has made a crusade of going after yeshivos for unsubstantiated allegations? I am waiting for him to issue a condemnation of Zaka.
    And where is Zev Brenner who can’t stop bashing yeshivos, where is his show on this?

  2. This is an example of an article that should not have been published. It is pure lashon hara. His family has suffered enough and need not suffer more. Zaka is a wonderful organization and should not be the object of lashon hara.

  3. When I wrote “his family” I should have written “he and his family”. As we believe that Yisurim in this world bring kaparah, we should believe that he has repented and received enough kaparah without our adding to it.

    I believe that the Olam is familiar with the story of the nurse who was in Din recently and returned to tell us what is important in Shamayim and that lashon hara NEVER gets a pass.

    As we bensch Rosh Chodesh Ellul this week, let us resolve to correct ourselves, starting with lashon hara and all mitzvos bein adam vachavero.

  4. wow! I wouldn’t have expected this on YWN! Do you have a new moderator who doesn’t care about loshon horah? I would hope that you asked a shaaloh before posting this info but I somehow doubt it. I hope I’m wrong though. I just can’t imagine any rov permitting this kind of talk about Ryan Karben who, as aryehm has said, has suffered enough. He didn’t hurt anyone, he just had his own shortcomings which we all have.

    And to bash Z’aka and potentially cause people not to give to this choshuve oraginazation???

    Are the hate-karben people who wrote this hit piece ready to drop everything and go collect body parts from the sidewalks r”l after they destroy the repuation of z’aka?

    I am just astounded that YWN would print this drivel!

  5. There are some very good comments here. Should ZAKA be punished for something one of a number of honorees may or may not have done?

    Aryehm, I’m with you.

  6. I am shocked that this article made it to yeshivaworld.
    Maybe he did teshuva?! Maybe he didn’t.
    Even if he didn’t let people ask their rabbonim where to give their tzedokah.
    This is a disgrace.

  7. Comment by aryehm – I believe that the Olam is familiar with the story of the nurse who was in Din recently and returned to tell us what is important in Shamayim and that lashon hara NEVER gets a pass.

    I haven’t heard about this – do you have a link to the story?

  8. I made a mistake when I blogged on previously. I meant to say that most probably ZAKA DIDN’T know what he had done. I sincerely apologize for any confusion.

  9. VeNahapoch Hu!

    The timing of this event paying tribute to the “Honorable” Ryan S. Karben — Please look carefully at the invitation, that is what it says — 23 days before Yom Kippur, indicates that ZAKA has a sense of humor:
    They are confusing Yom HaKipurim with Purim!

  10. Regarding the Loshon Hora comments. It should be long apparent to anyone reading this blog that this is the millionth time a YW news report can be considered Loshon Hora. If this is indeed your opinion, than STOP READING THE BLOG. Reading loshon hora is also an aveira, no matter how many times you are stunned, shocked, appalled and horrified to see it in print.

  11. The Yeshiva World has chosen not to publish any story pertaining to abuse in our communities.


    None of Dov Hikind motsei shabbos topics are grist for The Yeshiva World.

    Then why oh why is this topic something that The Yeshiva World finds fit to print.

    Ryan’s peccadilloes are his alone — They are quite frankly bein adam l’makom and it is quite possible — and most likely probable that he did t’shuvah.

    What Dov was discussing on the other hand was issues of bein adam l’chaveiro and lamokom. The radio show dealt with issues of protecting our children

    If those items are taboo on YWN, then al achis kama v’kama this is.

    YW Editor please rethink your position.

  12. The events related to Ryan Karben are public knowledge. Is there any evidence that he has changed?

    Without such evidence, ZAKA has to explain why they are honoring him. Evoking his memory is damaging to the decent and honest members of the Jewish community.

    This deligitimizes Zaka in my opinion. What rabbinical leadership do they follow anyways?

  13. its great to see so many forgiving people? i guess each of you who throw stones have found to the path to the holy land. ryan, like most of us have made mistakes. i always thought of God as very forgiving. too bad his children haven’t learned thar lesson.

  14. why isnt yeshiva world posting all the nice postingfs written in favor of ryan karben ?!??!

    Moderators Note: Should we publicly list all your other user names originating out of your office? Please. Stop now.

  15. you can publicly list anything you want. i did not write anything that i am ashamed of . all i am doing is defending ryan karben who you decided to make a korban out of for some reason…..

  16. Nothing was ever proven against Karben, and even the allegations were nothing terrible. He has never admitted any wrongdoing. So what business has anyone got laying into Zaka for honouring him?

  17. The irony is that many frum yidden have not problem proudly supporting and defending non-jew, John McCain, adulterer, for president. But when a Jew stumbles into a similar arena of sin, he is looked upon forever with ein hora?

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