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BIG MISTAKE: PM Netanyahu Vetoed Assassination Of Hamas Leader Sinwar Five Times

Following his controversial release from prison in the 2011 Gilad Shalit exchange, Hamas leader Yahya Sinwar turned Hamas from a dangerous foe to an existential threat. And according to a report from Yediot Acharanonot on Thursday, Israel’s political leadership did nothing about it.

According to the report, there have been several attempts by the Shin Bet to garner government approval for a strike on Sinwar. However, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu rejected them no less than five times, vetoing any such action. Netanyahu’s rationale, according to the report, was to avoid escalating tensions with Hamas and potentially sparking a wider conflict.

During his candidacy, former Prime Minister Naftali Bennett also reportedly explored the possibility of targeting Sinwar, but never followed through.

Assassination discussions resurfaced after a terror attack in Elad in May 2022. Despite pressure from the Shin Bet to carry it out, the IDF opposed the plan. Former Defense Minister Benny Gantz shared Netanyahu’s sentiment, believing that Hamas was sufficiently deterred.

The report does not cite a specific source, but it suggests a dynamic wherein the Shin Bet places responsibility on political leadership for the decision-making process regarding high-profile targets like Sinwar.

(YWN World Headquarters – NYC)

10 Responses

  1. 20 20 hindsight is a foolish and demoralizing pursuit. Israel must focus on going forward and on the choices that might prevent another Sinwar yimach shmo materializing. And keep in mind constantly- it’s all just hishtadlus. The Aibeshter pulls the strings and He can make a rotten nobody turn into a world threat.

  2. What this indicates is that Hamas with their playing possum the last few years complete duped the entire Israeli security establishment. This has nothing to do with Netanyahu this is Netanyahu benett gantz the idf everybody.

    How did they succeed?

    im hashem lo yishmor ir, shov shokad shomer

  3. Not shocking. Unfortunately many frum ppl make the big mistake of thinking that Bibi has the best interests of Klal Yisroel at heart. He does not. He is a career politician who’s goal is to win elections and be popular. Please let’s not trust him for our safety. A guy who we can’t even trust with a glass of non-mevushal wine cannot be trusted with the safety of millions of Yidden.

  4. This in its self probably wouldn’t have made any significant difference. Israel needs to show a much greater show of force.

  5. This man gets blamed for everything. In the same article, you write that Gantz,as former defense minister, as well as the IDF were against assassinating him. So the headline should not be singling out Netanyahu.

  6. Bibi is nothing but a political gangsta. I realized this man cannot be trusted when he sold his people to Pfizer.
    Unfortunately there aren’t that many better choices out there running. The only one who I’d trust as PM is an observant Jew who regularly learns mussar (ie: Chovas Halevavos, Mesilas Yesharim, etc.)

  7. Blaming Bibi is pointless, there are many Sinwars waiting in line. This article is just another attempt from the left to discredit Bibi, I’m not saying he is a saint, but who actually negotiated the release of Sinwars himach Shemo, was it Bibi? We all know the answer.

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