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TOTALLY GONE: Biden Tells Crowd He Recently Met With Former French President WHO DIED IN 1996!

President Biden told a crowd in Las Vegas on Sunday that he recently met with Francois Mitterrand, the French president who has been dead for nearly 30 years.

Biden recounted a story he has told many times during his presidency, about a meeting he had with French President Emmanuel Macron during a G7 meeting in England, some months after Biden had taken over the White House.

“I sat down and I said, ‘America’s back,’” Biden recalled. “And Mitterrand from Germany – I mean from France – looked at me and said…”

Biden appeared to trail off before collecting his thoughts to finish the sentence: “Well, how long are you back for?”

The president continued, saying the “Chancellor of Germany” asked him how he – and by extension, the U.S. – would respond if, hypothetically, thousands of people stormed Britain’s House of Commons and killed two “bobbies,” or British police officers, to stop the election of a Prime Minister.

François Mitterrand was France’s president between 1981 and 1995. He died in 1996.

(YWN World Headquarters – NYC)

5 Responses

  1. So what’s wrong with a president who can communicate with the dead? Hopefully he’ll be fussier who he chats with and I can think of some former leaders who might be able to help him get his act together.

  2. ” if, hypothetically, thousands of people stormed Britain’s House of Commons and killed two bobbies,”

    Is this FILTHY LIAR and so-called “president” still pushing the FILTHY LIE that the Capitol protesters killed anyone?! The only person killed that day was Ashley Babbitt, murdered by a policeman. If she’d been a black BLM protester and the policeman white, he’d have been charged.

    This is the same FILTHY LIAR who for years viciously libeled the truck driver into whose path his first wife drove, falsely claiming that he was drunk. The driver was not drunk, and no one will ever know whether Mrs Biden killed herself by accident or on purpose, and whether she was distracted by thoughts of her husband having an affair with his current wife, the fake “doctor” Jill.

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