Reply To: A Chasidus without a present Rebbe

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Regarding the question about the gulf war from yb, that’s a legitimate question. I’ve asked about it, and here’s what the rabbis reply was:

Regarding the gulf war:
The Rebbe said that we will see miracles and that Yidden are safe in EY

Chassidim decided that it must mean that there will be no missiles etc. They publicised that and it caused a chillul (as it is not what he said)

https://www.chabad dot org/therebbe/article_cdo/aid/62184/jewish/1991-Missiles-Miracles.htm

https://derher dot org/wp-content/uploads/103-adar-5781-7.pdf

Ps. Arso I haven’t finished with the yichus piece- looking into it thoroughly.