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Bus From Beitar Illit Overturns, 7 Injured, Most Lightly

A bus on the way from Beitar Illit to Beis Shemesh was involved in an accident on Wednesday morning next to Mevo Beitar on Highway 375, causing it to veer into a ditch on the side of the road and overturn on its side.

The accident occurred between the bus, which was carrying at least 30 passengers, and a private car. The driver of the private car was moderately injured and the bus driver and five bus passengers were lightly injured.

The passengers were forced to evacuate the bus by breaking the rear windows as the bus had overturned on the side with the doors. Fortunately, all the passengers were able to exit the bus independently.

Paramedics quickly arrived at the scene and administered emergency medical aid and evacuated those who needed further care to the hospital

Israel Police officers also arrived at the scene and closed the road to traffic and also launched an investigation into the circumstances of the accident.


MDA paramedic Yisrael Cohen said: “A large number of responders quickly arrived at the scene with ambulances and mobile ICU units. It was a neis that the bus was not full. The bus driver and the passengers, who were lightly injured, exited from the rear window. The driver of the private car suffered injuries to his limbs and abdomen and was evacuated to the hospital in moderate condition.”

Israel Police
United Hatzalah
Israel Police
Jerusalem Fire and Rescue Services.

(YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)

5 Responses

  1. I would like to stress a point people rarely think about. Busses are more dangerous than trains. It’s amazing that we have large affordable chareidi cities but there’s a cost in safety and inadequate infrastructure.

  2. I wonder how many were wearing seat belts. In most cases they can help a lot to prevent injuries, statistics show that it’s far better to be held in place than thrown around within the vehicle.

  3. Can someone tell me where the place the bus was headed was? I never heard of a place in Israel called “Beis Shemesh”. Is it, perhaps, somewhere near Tel Uviv or Chevroin?

    an Israeli Yid

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