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sechel, the idea that not understanding a Gemara is due to klipos, and that a niggun can remove them is absolutely ridiculous. The way to understand a Gemara is to toil away at it, learn it again and again, looking through different meforshim, and reaching an understanding. Here’s a story about understanding a Gemara, which I heard from R’ Bender:
There was a Rebbe in Torah v’Daas named R’ Yosef Levitin. When he was a bachur, he and his chavrusah were stuck on a particular sugyah in Bava Basra. R’ Yosef had a question that they just couldn’t find an answer to. They toiled and toiled away at it, but couldn’t find anything to answer it. He went to sleep that night, still thinking about it.
The next morning, he came in with a huge smile. He told his chavrusah that the Rosh Yeshiva zt”l, R’ Shlomo Heiman, had come to him in a dream, and told him to look in the Ri Migash. He got up, washed his hands, said Birchas haTorah, and went to check, Sure enough, there was his question, and the Ri Migash gave an answer.
In Torah v’Daas, in the library, there is a Ri Migash with a handwritten note in the margin, saying “the Rosh Yeshiva came to me in a dream last night, and told me to look here.”

When we toil away in learning, Hashem will help us find the answers. Quick fixes, like singing songs, are not the way to understand learning. The whole idea is crazy. This is just another thing that shows why chassidus (at least the way you learn it) is not a legitimate form of Judaism.