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Video: Interview With The Yarma Rov

yr.jpgYiddele Multimedia studios presents its first ever online talk show featuring the Yarma Rov, Rabbi Yaakov “Yankel” Miller. Watch the famous (Yiddishkeit) comedian talk about his life, family and many performances in this entertaining interview spiced up with Yiddish and English jokes. Click HERE to watch.

4 Responses

  1. Reb Yaakov Shlit”a does continuous Chesed by making people happy. In addition, he personifies “Ahavas Yisroel”.

    I recall many years ago, I happened to be Shabbos at the Oppenheimer Hotel in the mountains, and a fellow with a blondish beard (not knowing at the time that it was Reb Yaakov Miller) sitting at the next table brought a few bottles of beer to his table. As he passed my table, he put down a bottle on my table. It has been over twenty years since this episode occurred, but I could still remember vividly how his face shone as he gave me the bottle of beer.

    A bottle of beer is not the costliest gift in the world, but the way he did, with such kindness and “Ahavas Yisroel” that it left an indelible impression on me.

    It was then that truly felt the veracity of the מאמר חז”ל
    גדולה לגימה – מסכת סנהדרין דף קג עמוד ב

    I wish Reb Yaaakov many more happy and healthy years, and he should be זוכה to say דברי בדחנות at the סעודת לויתן with משיח צדקינו בבי”א

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