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EXPLOSIVE EXCHANGE: British Doctor Calls Hamas “Freedom Fighters”, Refuses To Acknowledge Slaughter Of 1,200 Civilians

In an explosive interview with Piers Morgan, Abdul Wahid, also known as Dr. Wahid Asif Shaida, who leads the UK branch of Hizb ut-Tahrir, an Islamic fundamentalist group, referred to Hamas terrorists as ‘freedom fighters’. Dr. Shaida, an NHS doctor, heads the British section of Hizb ut-Tahrir, which advocates for global sharia law under an Islamic caliphate.

Despite denying that his group is extremist, Dr. Shaida previously described the October 7 attacks on Israel, which resulted in approximately 1,200 deaths, mostly civilians, as a ‘very welcome punch on the nose’.

During a fiery exchange on Piers Morgan’s TalkTV show “Uncensored,” Dr. Shaida declined to accept that Hamas indiscriminately targets civilians, instead characterizing them as a ‘resistance organization’.


(YWN World Headquarters – NYC)

5 Responses

  1. Like most brainwashed muslims, the second the representer opened his mouth, this baboon completely lost himself. Just look at his confused face!!
    they obviously did not prepare himself well.

    and @FrumWhere, you have to understand that they have to give these people a platform, because they are left woke at the end of the day.
    But even this presenter just couldn’t handle it and popped at this crazy baboon….

  2. @Frumwhere, you don’t understand the gaonis of what Morgan piers is doing.

    Piers has been constantly hosting prominent Muslim British figures on his show to discuss their views on October . Since nearly all the Muslims interviewed showed ZERO remorse for dead Jews, and refuse to condemn Hamas, this in turn wakes up the British public to show them what the so called “moderate” Muslims living among them truly believe about Kaffers.

    He’s indirectly exposing the myth of the Moderate Muslim to the world audience. Whatever your view of Piers is, in this regard he’s a Genius honestly. No one is waking up people better than the Muslims talking about themselves on Live national TV

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