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SHAME ON HER: Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez Says It’s “Shameful” US Vetoed UN Resolution Demanding Gaza Ceasefire

Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez unloaded on the Biden administration over the recent U.S. veto of a United Nations resolution that called for a cease-fire in the Gaza war. The resolution, which sought an immediate halt to hostilities and the release of all hostages in the conflict between Israel and Hamas, was overwhelmingly supported by the international community but was blocked by the United States.

In a statement made on social media, Ocasio-Cortez labeled the U.S. action as “Shameful,” expressing her discontent with the lone “no” vote cast by the U.S. against the resolution. She wrote, “The Biden [administration] can no longer reconcile their professed concern for Palestinians and human rights while also single-handedly vetoing the UN’s call for ceasefire and sidestepping the entire US Congress to unconditionally back the indiscriminate bombing of Gaza.”

In response to the congresswoman’s remarks, a U.S. official, speaking to Fox News Digital, defended the administration’s decision, saying, “Despite a rushed process and lack of consultation by the resolution’s authors, the United States engaged in good faith on the resolution. Nearly all of our recommendations were ignored.”

The vote, which took place last Friday, saw 13 countries favoring the resolution, with the U.S. voting against and the U.K. abstaining. Robert Wood, the U.S. deputy ambassador to the U.N., explained the U.S. position, emphasizing the nation’s desire for peace between Israelis and Palestinians. However, he critiqued the resolution’s approach, arguing that it “would simply leave Hamas in place, able to regroup and repeat what it did on Oct. 7.”

“Although the United States strongly supports a durable peace… we do not support this resolution’s call for an unsustainable cease-fire that will only plant the seeds for the next war,” Wood said.

(YWN World Headquarters – NYC)

7 Responses

  1. Every Yid living in the USA should breathe a sigh of relief that, at least for now, the US has earned for itself a זכות הקיום.

  2. All Jews should pray to G*D that: Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez,
    Ilhan Omar, Rashida Tlaib, and all members of “The Squad”
    should soon cease to be a problem for Jews.

    I have already done this, and will (Bli Neder) continue to do so.

    But I cannot do it by myself, I need YOU to join with me in this.

  3. The mouth of this anti-Semite far exceeds the capacity of her brain — she is ignorant and terribly stupid — none of which excuses her vicious anti-Semitism.

  4. When this woman got asked about the Israel Palestinian conflict after becoming a congresswoman she answered “I’m not an geopolitical expert” she is still no expert but now the media knows not to ask her questions above fifth grade level, because if that happened she wouldn’t come back.

    What she really should do is a take a page out of Bernie Sanders’s book and stick to renaming post offices.

  5. “… and sidestepping the entire US Congress to unconditionally back the indiscriminate bombing of Gaza.” what a twit!

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