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“we survived” over 3000 years without yeshivos for buchurim, without kolelim (besides for the yechidai segulah), without lomdos style learning, without artscroll, without many more things . also without a bais hamikdash for almost 2000 years.
(saying we cant do things like the Christians is the dumbest thing i ever heard, they took it (all) from yiddishkiet, like there lights outside their home, maybe ch”v dont light a menorah.)
adding in yidishkeit, torah and mitzvos for oneself and spreading yiddishkeit (arvus, ואהבת לרעך כמוך) lire is not a problem, adding goyishkiet is.
by the times of chunakah, many jews got assimilated to the yevonim, matisyahu and his sons didn’t just say “well we are frum, who cares about the rest of jews” no they went and were mikarev yidden. and fought against those trying to destroy yiddishkiet.

one small point about chanukah:
The unique power of the Chanukah lights is linked to the nature of the miracle they commemorate. The miracle of Chanukah took place in a time of darkness, when the Greeks, who had conquered the Land of Israel, sought to impose their culture upon its inhabitants. Despite the assimilatory influ­ence of Jewish Hellenists, the Maccabees were able to instill in the Jewish people a spirit of mesirus nefesh (self-sacrifice) and teshuvah (return to G‑d). This inspired them to fight the Greeks, defeat them, and rededicate the Beis HaMikdash. Since the Jewish victory involved the transformation of dark­ness into light, the Chanukah lights which commemorate it also have this power.

And they teach us that when confronted with darkness, we must not resign ourselves to it. Nor may we remain con­tent with lighting up our own homes. Instead, we must reach out and spread light as far as we possibly can, until the public domain too is illuminated.
this is why the Chanukah lights should be kindled after sunset and must burn into the night.3 Further­more, they should be placed “at the outside of the entrance to one’s home,”4 which shows that they are primarily intended to illuminate the public domain rather than one’s own home.