Reply To: Menorah in your face

Home Forums Decaffeinated Coffee Menorah in your face Reply To: Menorah in your face


“1) The challenges of today aren’t the same as those of yesteryear”, your right, it was much worse I spoke to people who lived in der heim, organized religion was shoved down your throat, my grandmothers public school class picture in Poland has the priest in the picture, and lets go back a few centuries forced shmad etc. don’t kid yourself it was much worse, yet the Gra, the Maggid, the Rambam just to name a few never felt compelled to parade around town with a menorah on the horse and wagon.

2) you are being up a whole different topic and yes they there organized demonstrations in der heim of yid vs yid.
Sorry pal but we are not in the business to compete with Santa. [unless Santa is a frum guy like the one in Atlanta]