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NY Fire Chief Apologizes For Anti-Semitic Remarks

ffA suburban New York City fire chief has hand delivered a letter of apology to a Jewish town supervisor for anti-Semitic remarks he made.

The Journal News reports Saturday that Fairview Fire Chief Anthony LoGiudice visited Greenburgh Town Supervisor Paul Feiner Friday.

The newspaper reported earlier this week a retired firefighter claimed LoGiudice often used an anti-Semitic slur when referring to Feiner. On Thursday, the board of the fire district confirmed LoGiudice used inappropriate language.

In his letter, LoGiudice said he was horrified after reading in The Journal News the words he’d uttered and said using a slur to express anger is never appropriate.

Feiner told the newspaper the apology was a good first step but hoped the fire chief would also visit a Manhattan holocaust museum.


One Response

  1. We all know that that the apology is baloney. Anyone who utters racial slurs whether anti-Semitic or Anti-Black or other minority really means them and no apology or retraining can change that fact. This man should be fired from his position immediately.
    He is on the public payroll. If a fire occurs in a Jewish section of town will he respond as quickly as to a fire in his own section.
    Does he treat minority employees under his supervision with equality or does he favor non Jews, non blacks and non minority.

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