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ANYONE SURPRISED? Antisemite Rashida Tlaib Is Member Of Secret Facebook Group Glorifying Hamas After Oct. 7 Attack

Antisemitic Rep. Rashida Tlaib is allegedly a part of a secret Facebook group called the Palestinian American Congress, which openly glorified Hamas after the Simchas Torah massacre, Fox News reported on Wednesday. The Palestinian American Congress group is not visible to the general public on Facebook and is absent from the platform’s search results.

Maher Abdel-qader, the group’s founder and a figure with known connections to Tlaib and other prominent figures in liberal politics, has previously faced criticism for his posts on social media that included antisemitic content, like calling Jews “satanic,” and questioning whether the Holocaust really occurred. He has participated in fundraising events for Tlaib and appears alongside her in multiple social media posts. Abdel-qader donated personally to Tlaib’s campaign and actually served as chairman of her finance committee during her 2018 run for Congress.

In the aftermath of the October 7 attack on Israel, the group, which counts Congresswoman Tlaib among its members, has been found to feature posts endorsing and lionizing the actions of Hamas.

“We don’t want to throw you in the sea…we want you to ride it back from where you came,” one group member posted on October 12, accompanying it with a picture of an elderly Israeli captive and a Hamas terrorist.

“Since yesterday I have been attached to the TV watching the news,” another member posted on October 10, telling the “American Media,” “You, and the people directing you, are the problem, you created it almost 100 years ago, made it official 75 years ago and you have been feeding its flam ever since.”

“You consider Hamas a terrorist organization and I am not going to argue with you at the same time you have been broadcasting that they have been killing women and children, guess that is what terrorists do at the same time no mention to the killing of Palestinian women, children and entire families killed on a daily basses (sic) by the [peace-loving] state of Israel using American gifts of weapons and jet fighters.”

“Yesterday I didn’t see Hamas I saw the grand kids (sic) of the refugees that ethnically cleansed from their homeland attacking the grand kids (sic) of the colonists whom sent them to diaspora,” they later added.

On October 19, another member posted about the “achievements” of the “resistance in northern occupied Palestine,” including dozens of Israeli soldiers, accompanied by a photo of a Hamas terrorist.

Tlaib herself posted on the secret Facebook group back in 2018. While she’s been quiet on it since, she is still a member – and probably watching it closely, based on her evil rhetoric.

7 Responses

  1. Nothing shocks us any more about RacistTRashida. She is also some Hamas linked, just like pro-jihadi-fascist CAIR lobby.
    But it’s these people that lecture about “loyalty “

  2. Shimonthepro, what do you mean, how did she get voted in? Her constituents share her views, so why would they not vote for her?

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