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US Official: “Hamas Tried To Sneak Terrorists Into Egypt”

A senior Biden administration official said on Friday that Hamas tried to list some of its wounded terrorists on a list of people approved to cross into Egypt at the Rafah crossing.

The attempted deception slowed down the evacuation of foreign nationals and wounded civilians last week.

The list of seriously wounded victims submitted by Hamas was checked by US and  Egyptian authorities who discovered that a third of the names on the list were Hamas terrorists.

The list was rejected and only wounded civilians and foreign nationals were permitted to enter Egypt.

(YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)

2 Responses

  1. Wait a minute, it it April the First? This is a poor joke, a plant by the Jewish PR machine. The sole interest of the peace loving Hamas is to support the people of Gaza. This is just Zionist propaganda helped by their friends the President of Great Satan and hiscourt Jews.. Anyone who is injured needs to be treated, (unless of course they are Jews).

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